
A 2D Particle class for all your physics needs


  • [config]


  • [config] Object optional

    An optional config object to initialize Particle2D properties, including: position ( object with x and y ), mass ( defaults to 1 ), radius ( defaults to 0 ) and friction ( defaults to 1 ).

    an initial velocity or acceleration can also be set by passing a BB.Vector2 to either of those properties ( ie. velocity or acceleration ). Or an alternative approach is to initialize with a heading property (radians) and speed property ( number ). If no velocity or acceleration or heading/speed is set, the default velocity is BB.Vector2(0,0).


  var WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
  var HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;

  var star = newBB.Particle2D({
     position: new BB.Vector2(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2 ),
     mass: 20000

  var planet = new BB.Particle2D({
     position: new BB.Vector2( WIDTH/2+200, HEIGHT/2),
     heading: -Math.PI / 2,
     speed: 10

  var comet = new BB.Particle2D({
     position: new BB.Vector2(
         BB.MathUtils.randomInt(HEIGHT) ),
     velocity: new BB.Vector2(


acceleration BB.Vector2

Usually used to accumulate forces to be added to velocity each frame

elasticity Number default:0.05

how bouncy it is when it collides with an object

friction Number default:1

the particle's friction ( not environment's friction ) multiplied by velocity each frame

heading Number

the particle's "heading" expressed in radians, essentially: Math.atan2( velocity.y, velocity.x );

mass Number default:1

the particle's mass

radius Number default:0

the particle's radius, used for callculating collistions

speed Number

the particle's "speed", essentially: the square root of velocity.x² + velocity.y²

velocity BB.Vector2

the particle's velocity ( see acceleration also )

There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index


  • vector

takes a force, divides it by particle's mass, and applies it to acceleration ( which is added to velocity each frame )


  • config

tracks objects to collide against, this can be other particles ( objects with position vectors and a radius ) and/or a perimeter ( top, left, right, bottom )


  • config Object

    object with properties for top, left, bottom, right ( all numbers ) and particles ( array of other particles or objects with position.x, positon.y and radius properties )


  // assuming ball is an instance of BB.Particle2D
  // assuming balls is an array of BB.Particle2D objects
     right: canvas.width,
     bottom: canvas.height,
     left: 0,
     particles: balls

  • particle
  • [mass]

identifies something to gravitate towards. the object of gravitation needs to have a position ( x, y ) and mass


  • particle Object

    if passed as the only argument it should be an Object with a position.x, position.y and mass ( ie. an instance of BB.Particle2D ). Otherwise the first argument needs to be an Object with an x and y ( ie. instance of BB.Vector2 or at the very least { x: ..., y: ... } )

    alternatively, gravitate could also be passed an array of objects ( each with position and mass properties )

  • [mass] Number optional

    when particle is not an instance of BB.Particle2D and is a Vector an additional argument for mass is required


  // assuming star and planet are both instances of BB.Particle2D
  planet.gravitate( star );
  // or
  planet.gravitate( star.position, star.mass );
  // or
  planet.gravitate( { x:WIDTH/2, y:HEIGHT/2 }, 20000 );

  // assuming stars is an array of BB.particle2D
  planet.gravitate( stars );

  • config

identifies something to spring towards. the target needs to have an x,y position, a k value which is a constant factor characteristic of the spring ( ie. its stiffness, usually some decimal ), and a length.


  • config Object

    object with properties for point ( vector with x,y ), k ( number ) and length ( number ).

    alternatively, spring could also be passed an array of config objects


  // assuming ball is an instance of BB.Particle2D
  // and center is an object with x,y positions
     position: center.position,
     k: 0.1,
    length: 100
  // the ball will spring back and forth forever from the center position
  // unless ball has friction value below the default of 1.0

update ()

Update the particle's internals and apply acceleration to veloicty. Called once per animation frame.

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index