
Extends BB.AudioBase
Defined in: src/BB.AudioFX.js:13

A module for creating filter, reverb and delay effects ( abstracts the WebAudio API BiquadFilterNode, ConvolverNode and DelayNode ), for more advanced audio effects see the BB.AFX base Audio Effects module


  • type
  • config


  • type String

    the type of effect you want to create ( filter, reverb and delay)

  • config Object

    A config object to initialize the effect ( include examples for diff effects )


when using 'filter' type

in the example bellow the drum sampler is connected to the AudioFX ( in this case a 'filter' ), and the AudioFX is connected to the default BB.Audio destination

 var filt = new BB.AudioFX('filter');

 var drum = new BB.AudioSampler({
    connect: filt,

    kick: 'audio/kick.ogg',
    snare: 'audio/snare.ogg'

BB.AudioFX can also take an option config object. when using the 'filter' type, a config object can include the following:
 var filt = new BB.AudioFX('filter',{
    connect: fft,
    type: "lowpass",
    frequency: 880,
    Q: 8,
    fgain: 5,
filter types include "lowpass" (default), "highpass", "bandpass", "lowshelf", "highshelf", "peaking", "notch" and "allpass" check out the BiquadFilterNode documenation for more details on filter types and the properties ( frequency, Q, gain)
view basic BB.AudioFX 'filter' example

when using 'reverb' type

the AudioFX ( 'reverb' ), can be used just like the 'filter' example above. there's two ways to create "reverb" FX, either algorithmically ( default ) or by pasing it paths to impulse file[s] ( see conolution reverb on wikipedia)
 // algorithmically calculate convolution's impulse buffer
 var reverb = new BB.AudioFX('reverb');

 // customize algorithmically generated impulse buffer
 var reverb = new BB.AudioFX('reverb',{
    duration: 2,
    decay: 4.3,

 // generate convolution buffer from impulse file
 var reverb = new BB.AudioFX('reverb',{
    paths: ['audio/impulse.wav']
check out the ConvolutionNode documenation for more info
view basic BB.AudioFX 'reverb' example

when using 'delay' type

the AudioFX ( 'delay' ), can be used just like the 'filter' example above.
 var delay = new BB.AudioFX('delay');

 // with optional config
 var delay = new BB.AudioFX('delay',{
    max: 5, // max delay time
    time: 1 // current delay time

 // modify delay time afterwards
 delay.time = 3.2;
check out the DelayNode documenation for more info
view basic BB.AudioFX 'delay' example


ctx AudioContext default:BB.Audio.context

the Audio Context this derived from

dry Number default:0

the dry channel gain/volume

fgain Number

fgain value when type is 'filter'

frequency Number

frequency value when type is 'filter'

gain GainNode private

the "output" gain node ( use .volume, .setGain() to interface with this )

Q Number

Q value when type is 'filter'

time Number default:0

the delay time (up to max specified)

volume Number default:1

the master volume (of output gain node)

wet Number default:1

the wet channel gain/volume

There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index


  • length

"filter" type only.
calculate the frequency response for a length-specified list of audible frequencies ( can be used to draw a curve representing the filter )


  • length Number

    the length of the frequency/response arrays
     var freqRes = filt.calcFrequencyResponse( canvas.width );

     // maths via:
     var dbScale = Math.round(canvas.height/4);
     var dbScale2 = Math.round(canvas.height/12.5);
     var pixelsPerDb = (0.5 * canvas.height) / dbScale;
     for (var i = 0; i < canvas.width; ++i) {
        var mr = freqRes.magResponse[i];
        var dbResponse = dbScale2 * Math.log(mr) / Math.LN10;
        var x = i;
        var y = (0.5 * canvas.height) - pixelsPerDb * dbResponse;
        if ( i == 0 ) ctx.moveTo( x, y );
        else ctx.lineTo( x, y );
    view basic BB.AudioFX 'filter' example

  • destination
  • output
  • input

connects the Noise to a particular AudioNode or AudioDestinationNode


  • destination AudioNode

    the AudioNode or AudioDestinationNode to connect to

  • output Number

    which output of the the Noise do you want to connect to the destination

  • input Number

    which input of the destination you want to connect the Noise to



 var node = new BB.AudioBase({
    volume: 0.75,

  node.connect( exampleNode );
  // connected to both default BB.Audio.context && exampleNode
  // so if exampleNode is also connected to BB.Audio.context by default,
  // ...then you've got node connected to BB.Audio.context twice

...which looks like this ( where the first Gain is the Noise and the second is the exampleNode )

  • destination
  • output
  • input

diconnects the Noise from the node it's connected to


  • destination AudioNode

    what it's connected to

  • output Number

    the particular output number

  • input Number

    the particular input number

     var node = new BB.AudioBase({
        volume: 0.75,

     node.disconnect(); // disconnected from default BB.Audio.context
     node.connect( exampleNode ); // connected to exampleNode only

    ...which looks like this ( where the first Gain is the node and the second is the exampleNode )

  • num
  • ramp

set's the dry gain ( && adjust the wet gain accordingly, so that they total to 1 )


  • num Number

    a float value, 1 being the default volume, below 1 decreses the volume, above one pushes the gain

  • ramp Number

    value in seconds for how quickly/slowly to ramp to the new value (num) specified



 var fx = new BB.AudioFX('filter');
 var noise = new BB.AudioNoise({
    connect: fx

  fx.setDryGain( 0.75, 2 ); // raises dry level from 0 - 0.75 over 2 seconds (wet level drops to 0.25)
// if no ramp value is needed, you could alternatively do
  fx.dry.volume = 0.75; // immediately jumps to 0.75 (and wet to 0.25)

  • num
  • ramp

sets the gain level of the node ( in a sense, master volume control )


  • num Number

    a float value, 1 being the default volume, below 1 decreses the volume, above one pushes the gain

  • ramp Number

    value in seconds for how quickly/slowly to ramp to the new value (num) specified



 var node = new BB.AudioBase({
    volume: 0.75

  node.setGain( 0.25, 2 ); // lower's volume from 0.75 to 0.25 in 2 seconds
// if no ramp value is needed, you could alternatively do
  node.volume = 0.5; // immediately jumps from 0.25 to 0.5

  • num
  • ramp

set's the wet gain ( && adjust the dry gain accordingly, so that they total to 1 )


  • num Number

    a float value, 1 being the default volume, below 1 decreses the volume, above one pushes the gain

  • ramp Number

    value in seconds for how quickly/slowly to ramp to the new value (num) specified



 var fx = new BB.AudioFX('filter');
 var noise = new BB.AudioNoise({
    connect: fx

  fx.setWetGain( 0.15, 2 ); // drops wet level from 1 - 0.15 over 2 seconds (dry level rises to 0.85)
// if no ramp value is needed, you could alternatively do
  fx.wet.volume = 0.15; // immediately jumps to 0.15 (and dry to 0.85)

  • index

"reverb" type only.
when using impulse files, you can use this method to switch between the different files initially loaded in the 'paths' when the AudioFX 'reverb' was instantiated


  • index Number

    of impulse.buffers to be used
     var reverb = new BB.AudioFX('reverb',{

     // by default 'audio/giant_hall.wav' (or reverb.impulse.buffers[0]) is used
     // below we switch to small_room.wav (or reverb.impulse.buffers[1])
    view basic BB.AudioFX 'reverb' example

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index