File: src/BB.AudioFX.js

     * A module for creating filter, reverb and delay effects ( abstracts the WebAudio API BiquadFilterNode, ConvolverNode and DelayNode ), for more advanced audio effects see the <a href="BB.AFX.html" target="_blank">BB.AFX</a> base Audio Effects module
     * @module BB.AudioFX
     * @extends BB.AudioBase
    define(['./BB', './BB.AudioBase', './BB.AudioBufferLoader'],
    function(  BB,        AudioBase,        AudioBufferLoader ) {
        'use strict';
        BB.AudioBufferLoader = AudioBufferLoader;
         * A module for creating filter, reverb and delay effects ( abstracts the WebAudio API BiquadFilterNode, ConvolverNode and DelayNode ), for more advanced audio effects see the <a href="BB.AFX.html" target="_blank">BB.AFX</a> base Audio Effects module
         * @class BB.AudioFX
         * @constructor
         * @extends BB.AudioBase
         * @param {String} type the type of effect you want to create ( filter, reverb and delay) 
         * @param {Object} config A config object to initialize the effect ( include examples for diff effects )
         * @example  
         * <br>
         * <h2> when using 'filter' type </h2><br>
         * in the example bellow the drum sampler is connected to the AudioFX ( in this case a 'filter' ), and the AudioFX is connected to the default BB.Audio destination
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;var filt = new BB.AudioFX('filter');<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;var drum = new BB.AudioSampler({<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;connect: filt,<br>  
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kick: 'audio/kick.ogg',<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;snare: 'audio/snare.ogg'<br>
         *  &nbsp;});<br>
         * </code>
         * <br>
         * BB.AudioFX can also take an option config object. when using the 'filter' type, a config object can include the following:
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;var filt = new BB.AudioFX('filter',{<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;connect: fft,<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;type: "lowpass",<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;frequency: 880, <br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Q: 8,<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fgain: 5,<br>
         *  &nbsp;});<br>
         * </code>
         * filter types include "lowpass" (default), "highpass", "bandpass", "lowshelf", "highshelf", "peaking", "notch" and "allpass"
         * check out the <a href="" target="_blank">BiquadFilterNode</a> documenation for more details on filter types and the properties ( frequency, Q, gain)
         * <br>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-fx-filter" target="_blank">BB.AudioFX 'filter'</a> example
         * <br>
         * <br>
         * <br>
         * <br>
         * <h2> when using 'reverb' type </h2><br>
         * the AudioFX ( 'reverb' ), can be used just like the 'filter' example above. there's two ways to create "reverb" FX, either algorithmically ( default ) or by pasing it paths to impulse file[s] ( see <a href="" target="_blank">conolution reverb</a> on wikipedia) 
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;// algorithmically calculate convolution's impulse buffer<br>
         *  &nbsp;var reverb = new BB.AudioFX('reverb');<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;// customize algorithmically generated impulse buffer<br>
         *  &nbsp;var reverb = new BB.AudioFX('reverb',{<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;duration: 2,<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;decay: 4.3,<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;reverse:true<br>
         *  });<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;// generate convolution buffer from impulse file<br>
         *  &nbsp;var reverb = new BB.AudioFX('reverb',{<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;paths: ['audio/impulse.wav']<br>
         *  });<br>
         * </code>
         * check out the <a href="" target="_blank">ConvolutionNode</a> documenation for more info
         * <br>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-fx-reverb" target="_blank">BB.AudioFX 'reverb'</a> example
         * <br>
         * <br>
         * <br>
         * <br>
         * <h2> when using 'delay' type </h2><br>
         * the AudioFX ( 'delay' ), can be used just like the 'filter' example above. 
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;var delay = new BB.AudioFX('delay');<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;// with optional config <br>
         *  &nbsp;var delay = new BB.AudioFX('delay',{<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;max: 5, // max delay time <br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;time: 1 // current delay time <br>
         *  });<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;// modify delay time afterwards<br>
         *  &nbsp;delay.time = 3.2; <br>
         * </code>
         * check out the <a href="" target="_blank">DelayNode</a> documenation for more info
         * <br>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-fx-delay" target="_blank">BB.AudioFX 'delay'</a> example
        BB.AudioFX = function( type, config ) {
  , config);
            // config obj
            if(typeof config !== "undefined" && typeof config !== "object" ){
                throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: second parameter should be a config object');
            } else if( typeof config === "undefined" ) config = {};
            // type conditionals
            var types = ["filter", "reverb", "delay"];
            if(typeof type !== "string" || types.indexOf(type) < 0){
                throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: first argument should be a type of effect ("filter", "reverb" or "delay")');
            } else {
                this.type = type;
                    // error checking for 'filter'
                    var filtTypes = ["lowpass", "highpass", "bandpass", "lowshelf", "highshelf", "peaking", "notch", "allpass"];
                    if( typeof config.type !== "undefined" && filtTypes.indexOf(config.type) < 0 ) throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: config.type must be either "lowpass", "highpass", "bandpass", "lowshelf", "highshelf", "peaking", "notch" or "allpass" ');
                    if( typeof config.frequency !=="undefined" && typeof config.frequency !== "number" ) throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: config.frequency should be a number');
                    if( typeof config.fgain !=="undefined" && typeof config.fgain !== "number" ) throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: config.fgain should be a number');
                    if( typeof config.Q !=="undefined" && typeof config.Q !== "number" ) throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: config.Q should be a number');
                    this.node = this.ctx.createBiquadFilter(); 
                    this.node.type = (typeof config.type !== "undefined") ? config.type : "lowpass";
                    this.node.frequency.value = (typeof config.frequency !== "undefined") ? config.frequency : 220;
                    this.node.gain.value = (typeof config.fgain !== "undefined") ? config.fgain : 3;
                    this.node.Q.value = (typeof config.Q !== "undefined") ? config.Q : 8;
                else if(type==="reverb"){
                    this.node = this.ctx.createConvolver();
                    this.impulse = { buffers: null };
                    if( typeof config.paths !== "undefined"){
                        var self = this;                    
                        var loader = new BB.AudioBufferLoader({
                            paths: config.paths
                        }, function(buffers){
                            self.impulse.buffers = buffers;
                            self.node.buffer = self.impulse.buffers[0];
                    } else {
                        var duration, decay, reverse;
                        if(typeof config.duration !== "undefined" ){
                            if(typeof config.duration !== "number") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: reverb config.duration should be a number');
                            else duration = config.duration;
                        } else { duration = 1;  }
                        if(typeof config.decay !== "undefined" ){
                            if(typeof config.decay !== "number") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: reverb config.decay should be a number');
                            else decay = config.decay;
                        } else { decay = 2.0;  }
                        if(typeof config.reverse !== "undefined" ){
                            if(typeof config.reverse !== "boolean") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: reverb config.reverse should be a boolean');
                            else reverse = config.reverse;
                        } else { reverse = false;  }
                        this.node.buffer = this._impulseResponse( duration, decay, reverse );
                else if(type==="delay"){
                    this._max = null;
                    this._time = null;
                    if(typeof config.max !== 'undefined'){
                        if(typeof config.max !== 'number') throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: config.max should be a number in seconds');
                        else this._max = config.max;
                    } else { this._max = 1; }
                    this.node = this.ctx.createDelay( this._max );
                    if( typeof config.time !== "undefined" ){
                        if(typeof config.time !== "number") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: delay.time should be a number in seconds, up to max');
                        else this._time = config.time;
                    } else { this._time = 1; }
                    this.node.delayTime.value = this._time;
            // ................... FX loop ..............................
            //  for bypassing fx // dry + wet channels
            this.input = this.ctx.createGain();  // input  :: receives connection
                                                 // output :: this.gain ( form AudioBase );
            this._wet = new BB.AudioBase({ connect: this.gain });
            this._dry = new BB.AudioBase({ connect: this.gain });
            this._dry.volume = 0;
            // input > dry > output 
            this.input.connect( this._dry.gain ); 
            // input > fx > wet > output
            this.input.connect( this.node ); 
            this.node.connect( this._wet.gain );
        BB.AudioFX.prototype = Object.create(BB.AudioBase.prototype);
        BB.AudioFX.prototype.constructor = BB.AudioFX;
         * the dry channel gain/volume
         * @property dry 
         * @type Number
         * @default 0
        Object.defineProperty(BB.AudioFX.prototype, "dry", {
            get: function() {
                return this._dry.volume;
            set: function(v) {
                if( typeof v !== 'number'){
                    throw new Error("BB.AudioFX.dry: expecing a number");
                } else {
                    this._dry.setGain( v );
                    var diff = 1 - v;
                    this._wet.setGain( diff );
         * the wet channel gain/volume
         * @property wet 
         * @type Number
         * @default 1
        Object.defineProperty(BB.AudioFX.prototype, "wet", {
            get: function() {
                return this._wet.volume;
            set: function(v) {
                if( typeof v !== 'number'){
                    throw new Error("BB.AudioFX.wet: expecing a number");
                } else {
                    this._wet.setGain( v );
                    var diff = 1 - v;
                    this._dry.setGain( diff );
         * set's the dry gain ( && adjust the wet gain accordingly, so that they total to 1 )
         * @method setDryGain
         * @param {Number} num a float value, 1 being the default volume, below 1 decreses the volume, above one pushes the gain
         * @param {Number} ramp value in seconds for how quickly/slowly to ramp to the new value (num) specified
         * @example  
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;var fx = new BB.AudioFX('filter');<br>
         *  &nbsp;var noise = new BB.AudioNoise({<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;connect: fx<br>
         *  &nbsp;});<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp; fx.setDryGain( 0.75, 2 ); // raises dry level from 0 - 0.75 over 2 seconds (wet level drops to 0.25)<br>
         *  // if no ramp value is needed, you could alternatively do<br>
         *  &nbsp; fx.dry.volume = 0.75; // immediately jumps to 0.75 (and wet to 0.25) <br>
         * </code>
        BB.AudioFX.prototype.setDryGain = function( num, gradually ) {
            if( typeof num !== "number" )
                throw new Error('BB.AudioFX.setDryGain: first argument expecting a number');
            this._dry._volume = num;
            var diff = 1 - num;
            this._wet._volume = diff;
            if(typeof gradually !== "undefined"){
                if( typeof num !== "number" )
                    throw new Error('BB.AudioFX.setDryGain: second argument expecting a number');
                else {
                    this._dry._globalGainUpdate( gradually );
                    this._wet._globalGainUpdate( gradually );
            else { this._dry._globalGainUpdate(0); this._wet._globalGainUpdate(0); }
         * set's the wet gain ( && adjust the dry gain accordingly, so that they total to 1 )
         * @method setWetGain
         * @param {Number} num a float value, 1 being the default volume, below 1 decreses the volume, above one pushes the gain
         * @param {Number} ramp value in seconds for how quickly/slowly to ramp to the new value (num) specified
         * @example  
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;var fx = new BB.AudioFX('filter');<br>
         *  &nbsp;var noise = new BB.AudioNoise({<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;connect: fx<br>
         *  &nbsp;});<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp; fx.setWetGain( 0.15, 2 ); // drops wet level from 1 - 0.15 over 2 seconds (dry level rises to 0.85)<br>
         *  // if no ramp value is needed, you could alternatively do<br>
         *  &nbsp; fx.wet.volume = 0.15; // immediately jumps to 0.15 (and dry to 0.85) <br>
         * </code>
        BB.AudioFX.prototype.setWetGain = function( num, gradually ) {
            if( typeof num !== "number" )
                throw new Error('BB.AudioFX.setWetGain: first argument expecting a number');
            this._wet._volume = num;
            var diff = 1 - num;
            this._dry._volume = diff;
            if(typeof gradually !== "undefined"){
                if( typeof num !== "number" )
                    throw new Error('BB.AudioFX.setWetGain: second argument expecting a number');
                else {
                    this._wet._globalGainUpdate( gradually );
                    this._dry._globalGainUpdate( gradually );
            else { this._wet._globalGainUpdate(0); this._dry._globalGainUpdate(0); }
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` (=^.^=) -{ 'filter' stuffs }
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * frequency value when type is <b>'filter'</b>
         * @property frequency 
         * @type Number
        Object.defineProperty(BB.AudioFX.prototype, "frequency", {
            get: function() {
                if(this.type!=="filter") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: frequency value only availalbe when using "filter" effect');
                return this.node.frequency.value;
            set: function(frequency) {
                if(this.type!=="filter") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: frequency value only availalbe when using "filter" effect');
                this.node.frequency.value = frequency;
         * fgain value when type is <b>'filter'</b>
         * @property fgain 
         * @type Number
        Object.defineProperty(BB.AudioFX.prototype, "fgain", {
            get: function() {
                if(this.type!=="filter") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: fgain value only availalbe when using "filter" effect');
                return this.node.gain.value;
            set: function(fgain) {
                if(this.type!=="filter") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: fgain value only availalbe when using "filter" effect');
                this.node.gain.value = fgain;
         * Q value when type is <b>'filter'</b>
         * @property Q 
         * @type Number
        Object.defineProperty(BB.AudioFX.prototype, "Q", {
            get: function() {
                if(this.type!=="filter") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: Q property only availalbe when using "filter" effect');
                return this.node.Q.value;
            set: function(Q) {
                if(this.type!=="filter") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: Q property only availalbe when using "filter" effect');
                this.node.Q.value = Q;
         * <b>"filter" type only</b>. <br>calculate the frequency response for a length-specified list of audible frequencies ( can be used to draw a curve representing the filter )
         * @method calcFrequencyResponse
         * @param  {Number} length       the length of the frequency/response arrays
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         * &nbsp;var freqRes = filt.calcFrequencyResponse( canvas.width ); <br>
         * <br><br><br>
         * &nbsp;// maths via:<br>
         * &nbsp;var dbScale = Math.round(canvas.height/4);<br>
         * &nbsp;var dbScale2 = Math.round(canvas.height/12.5);<br>
         * &nbsp;var pixelsPerDb = (0.5 \* canvas.height) / dbScale;<br>
         * &nbsp;ctx.beginPath();<br>
         * &nbsp;for (var i = 0; i < canvas.width; ++i) {<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var mr = freqRes.magResponse[i];<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var dbResponse = dbScale2 \* Math.log(mr) / Math.LN10;<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var x = i;<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var y = (0.5 \* canvas.height) - pixelsPerDb \* dbResponse;<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if ( i == 0 )    ctx.moveTo( x, y );<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;else             ctx.lineTo( x, y );<br>
         * &nbsp;}<br>
         * &nbsp;ctx.stroke();   <br>
         * </code>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-fx-filter" target="_blank">BB.AudioFX 'filter'</a> example
        BB.AudioFX.prototype.calcFrequencyResponse = function( length ){
            if(this.type!=="filter") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: calcFrequencyResponse() only works with "filter" FX type');
            if(typeof length !== "number") throw new Error('BB.AudioFX: expecting a length (number) argument');
            // some of this maths via:
            var noctaves = 11;
            var frequencyHz = new Float32Array(length);
            var magResponse = new Float32Array(length);
            var phaseResponse = new Float32Array(length);
            var nyquist = 0.5 * this.ctx.sampleRate;
            for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                var f = i / length;
                // Convert to log frequency scale (octaves).
                f = nyquist * Math.pow(2.0, noctaves * (f - 1.0));
                frequencyHz[i] = f;
            this.node.getFrequencyResponse( frequencyHz, magResponse, phaseResponse );
            var res = { frequency:frequencyHz, magResponse:magResponse, phaseResponse:phaseResponse };
            // // debug
            // for(var j = 0; j <= frequencyHz.length-1;j++){
            //     console.log('freq: ' + frequencyHz[j] + 'Hz, mag: ' + magResponse[j] + ', phase: ' + phaseResponse[j] + ' radians.');
            // }
            return res;
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` (=^.^=) -{ 'reverb' stuffs }
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * <b>"reverb" type only</b>. <br> when using impulse files, you can use this method to switch between the different files initially loaded in the 'paths' when the AudioFX 'reverb' was instantiated 
         * @method useImpuse
         * @param  {Number} index of impulse.buffers to be used
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;var reverb = new BB.AudioFX('reverb',{<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;paths:[<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'audio/giant_hall.wav',<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'audio/small_room.wav',<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'audio/telephone.wav'<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;]<br>
         *  });<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;// by default 'audio/giant_hall.wav' (or reverb.impulse.buffers[0]) is used<br>
         *  &nbsp;// below we switch to small_room.wav (or reverb.impulse.buffers[1])<br>
         *  &nbsp;reverb.useImpulse(1);
         * </code>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-fx-reverb" target="_blank">BB.AudioFX 'reverb'</a> example
        BB.AudioFX.prototype.useImpulse = function( num ) {
            if( !isNaN(num) && num.toString().indexOf('.') === -1){
                if( num >= this.impulse.buffers.length ) 
                    throw new Error('BB.AudioFX.useImpulse: the value cannot be larger than '+(this.impulse.buffers.length-1)+', the length of impulse.buffers');
                else this.node.buffer = this.impulse.buffers[num];
            } else {
                throw new Error("BB.AudioFX.useImpulse: expecting an integer");
        BB.AudioFX.prototype._impulseResponse = function( duration, decay, reverse ) {
            // via ::
            var sampleRate = this.ctx.sampleRate;
            var length = sampleRate * duration;
            var impulse = this.ctx.createBuffer(2, length, sampleRate); // maybe expose channel number? so it's not always 2 by default
            var impulseL = impulse.getChannelData(0);
            var impulseR = impulse.getChannelData(1);
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++){
              var n = reverse ? length - i : i;
              impulseL[i] = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * Math.pow(1 - n / length, decay);
              impulseR[i] = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * Math.pow(1 - n / length, decay);
            return impulse;
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` (=^.^=) -{ 'delay' stuffs }
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'` ~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`~-._.-~`'`
         * the <b>delay</b> time (up to max specified)
         * @property time 
         * @type Number
         * @default 0
        Object.defineProperty(BB.AudioFX.prototype, "time", {
            get: function() {
                return this._time;
            set: function(v) {
                if( typeof v !== 'number'){
                    throw new Error("BB.AudioFX.time: expecing a number in seconds (up to max value)");
                } else {
                    this._time = v;
                    this.node.delayTime.value = this._time;
        return BB.AudioFX;