File: src/BB.AudioSampler.js

     * A module for creating an audio sampler, an object that can load, sample and play back sound files
     * @module BB.AudioSampler
     * @extends BB.AudioBase
    define(['./BB','./BB.AudioBufferLoader', './BB.AudioBase' ],
    function(  BB, 		 AudioBufferLoader,    	   AudioBase ){
    	'use strict';
    	BB.AudioBufferLoader = AudioBufferLoader;
    	 *  A module for creating an audio sampler, an object that can load, sample and play back sound files
    	 * @class BB.AudioSampler
    	 * @constructor
    	 * @extends BB.AudioBase
    	 * @param {Object} config A config object to initialize the Sampler,
    	 * can contain the following:
    	 * <code class="code prettyprint">
    	 * &nbsp;{<br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; context: BB.Audio.context[2], // choose specific context <br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; connect: fft, // overide default destination <br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; autoload: false, // don't autoload ( sampler.load() later ) <br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; rate: 2, // double the playback rate <br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; // then as many additional keys for samples...<Br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; soundA: 'path/to/file.ogg', <br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; soundB: 'path/to/file.ogg'<br>
    	 * &nbsp;}
    	 * </code>
    	 * @param {Function} [callback] A callback, with a buffer Object Array ( see full example below )
    	 * @example  
    	 * in the example below instantiating the BB.AudioSampler creates a <a href="" target="_blank">GainNode</a> ( essentially the Sampler's output ) connected to the default BB.Audio.context ( ie. AudioDestination )
    	 * <br> <img src="../assets/images/audiosampler1.png"/>
    	 * <br> everytime an individual sample is played, for example: <code>'kick')</code>, the corresponding <a href="" target="_blank">AudioBuffer</a> ( from the URL provided in the config )  is created and connected to the sampler's GainNode ( the image below is an example of the graph when two samples are played )
    	 * <br> <img src="../assets/images/audiosampler2.png"/> <br>
    	 * <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	 *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var drum = new BB.AudioSampler({<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kick: 'audio/808/kick.ogg',<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;snare: 'audio/808/snare.ogg',<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hat: 'audio/808/hat.ogg'<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;}, function( bufferObj ){<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;console.log( "loaded: " + bufferObj )<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;run();<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;});<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;function run(){<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'kick');<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;}<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;// a more complex config example...<Br>
    	 *	&nbsp;// overrides default context ( BB.Audio.context )<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;// overrides default connect ( BB.Audio.context.destination )<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;BB.Audio.init(3);<br>
    	 *	<br>
     	 *	&nbsp;var drum = new BB.AudioSampler({<br>
     	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;context: BB.Audio.context[2],<br>
     	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;connect: ExampleNode,<br>
     	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;autoload: false,<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;kick: 'audio/808/kick.ogg',<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;});<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;drum.load();
    	 * </code>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-sampler" target="_blank">BB.AudioSampler</a> example
    	BB.AudioSampler = function( config, callback ){
 , config);
    		if( !config ) throw new Error('BB.AudioSampler: requires a config object');
    		 * whether or not the file(s) have loaded
    		 * @type {Boolean}
    		 * @property loaded
    		this.loaded		= false;
    		// callback to run after loading
    		this.onload 	= callback;
    		 * sample names, ex:['kick','snare']
    		 * @type {Array}
    		 * @property keys
    		this.keys 		= []; 
    		 * array of paths to sample audio files
    		 * @type {Array}
    		 * @property paths
    		this.paths  	= []; 
    		 * collection of sample buffers
    		 * @type {Object}
    		 * @property buffers
    		this.buffers	= {}; 
    		 * source node for last played instance
    		 * @type {AudioBufferSourceNode}
    		 * @property node
    		this.node	= null; 
    		 * changes the pitch (<a href="" target="_blank">-1200 to 1200</a> )
    		 * @type {Number}
    		 * @property detune
    		 * @default 0
    		 * @protected
    		 *  --- webkit doesn't seem to support detune :-/ so replacing this with 
    		// this.detune 	= ( typeof config.detune !== 'undefined' ) ? config.detune : 0;
    		 * changes the playback rate ( pitch and speed ), (<a href="" target="_blank">reference</a> )
    		 * @type {Number}
    		 * @property rate
    		this.rate 	= ( typeof config.rate !== 'undefined' ) ? config.rate : 1;
    		// whether or not to autoload the files 		= ( typeof config.autoload !== 'undefined' ) ? config.autoload : true;
    		// will be instance of BB.AudioBufferLoader
    		this.loader 	= undefined;
    		if( typeof !== 'boolean' ) 
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioSampler: autoload should be either true or false');
    		// setup keys && paths
    		for (var key in config ) {
    			if( key!=='context' && key!=='autoload' && key!=="connect" && key!=="rate"){
    				this.keys.push( key );
    				this.paths.push( config[key] );
    		if( ) this.load();
     	BB.AudioSampler.prototype = Object.create(BB.AudioBase.prototype);
        BB.AudioSampler.prototype.constructor = BB.AudioSampler;
         * creates buffers from url paths using BB.AudioBufferLoader, this
         * automatically runs in constructor ( and thus no need to ever call it )
         * unless autoload is set to false in the config in the constructor
         * @method load
    	BB.AudioSampler.prototype.load = function(){
    		var self = this;
    		this.loader = new BB.AudioBufferLoader({
    			context: this.ctx,
    			paths: this.paths
    		}, function(buffers){
    			for (var i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) {
    				self.buffers[self.keys[i]] = buffers[i];
    			self.loaded = true;
    			if(typeof self.onload !== 'undefined' ) self.onload( self.buffers ); // callback
         * schedules an audio buffer to be played
         * @method play
         * @param {String} key name of particular sample ( declared in constructor ) 
         * @param {Number} [when] scheduled time in the AudioContext's timeline/clock (ie. currentTime) to play the file ( default 0, ie. automatically )
         * @param {Number} [offset] default is 0 (ie. beggining of the sample ) but can be offset (seconds) to start at another point in the sample
         * @param {Number} [duration] default is the duration of the entire sample (seconds) can be shortened to a lesser amount
    	 * @example  
    	 * <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	 * &nbsp;// plays the sample "fireworks" <br>
    	 * &nbsp;// starts playing it when AudioContext.currentTime == 10<br>
    	 * &nbsp;// starts the sample 30 seconds into the track<br>
    	 * &nbsp;// plays for half a second, then stops<br>
    	 * &nbsp;'fireworks', 10, 30, 0.5);
    	 * </code>
         */ = function( key, when, offset, duration ) {
    		if( !key || this.keys.indexOf(key)<0 ) throw new Error('BB.AudioSampler: '+key+' was not defined in constructor');
    		var source = this.ctx.createBufferSource(); 
    			source.buffer = this.buffers[ key ];            
    			// source.detune.value = this.detune;
    			source.playbackRate.value = this.rate;
    			source.connect( this.gain );   
    		var w = ( typeof when !== 'undefined' ) ? when : 0;
    		var o = ( typeof offset !== 'undefined' ) ? offset : 0;
    		var d = ( typeof duration !== 'undefined' ) ? duration : source.buffer.duration;
    	    source.start( w, o, d ); 
    	    this.node = source;
    	return BB.AudioSampler;