File: src/BB.LeapMotion.js

     * A module implementing LeapMotion Sensor
     * @module BB.LeapMotion
    // module to get x, y from leapmotion
    // used leap-0.6.4.js as needed for the leapmotion to function
        'use strict';
    * @property minX
    * @type {Number}
    * @default 0
    var minX = 0; 
    var outputminX = 0;
    var xscale= 0;
    var widthX =0;
    var minY = 0;
    var outputminY= 0;
    var yscale= 0;
    var heightY = 0;
    var minZ = 0;
    var outputminZ= 0;
    var zscale= 0;
    var depthZ = 0;
         * A module implementing LeapMotion Sensor.
         * __Note:__ The constructor makes throws an Error if the LeapMotion library is not already loaded.
         * If the LeapMotion library is not imported "missing LeapMotion library "  should appear in the console,
         * check LeapMotion docs or LiBB examples to see how to import library from html.
         * Method  enables the LeapMotion module to start 
         * obtaining the X,Y values from the sensor, these values must be called if needed.
         * Method also allows to detect if a gesture has occured.
         * @class BB.LeapMotion
         * @param {Canvas} canvas The created canvas that must be given to the LeapMotion module if canX and canvasY variable want to be used.
         * @param {Boolean} getXY Boolean value to enable/disable access to the X,Y values from LeapMotion Sensor .
         * @param {Boolean} getGestures Boolean value to enable/disable access to the getGestures from LeapMotion Sensor.
         * @constructor
      BB.LeapMotion = function(config){ 
        // create variables that can be accesed later on to be able to have the data
       // canvasX, canvasY each will contain a numeric value that represent the position.
             * The pointers X position as given by the LeapMotion Sensor
             * @property y
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 0
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.x = 0;
             * The pointers Y position as given by the LeapMotion Sensor
             * @property y
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 0
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.y = 0;
             * The pointers Z position as given by the LeapMotion Sensor
             * @property z
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 0
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.z = 0;
             * Boolean value corresponding to the grab gesture detected by the LeapMotion sensor.
             * @property grab
             * @type {Gesture}
             * @default false
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.grab = false;
             * Boolean value corresponding to the pinch gesture detected by the LeapMotion sensor.
             * @property pinch
             * @type {Gesture}
             * @default false
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.pinch = false;
             * Boolean value corresponding to the circle gesture detected by the LeapMotion sensor.
             * @property circle
             * @type {Gesture}
             * @default false
             */ = false;
             * Boolean value corresponding to the keytap gesture detected by the LeapMotion sensor.
             * @property keytap
             * @type {Gesture}
             * @default false
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.keytap = false;
             * Boolean value corresponding to the screenTap gesture detected by the LeapMotion sensor.
             * @property screenTap
             * @type {Gesture}
             * @default false
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.screenTap = false;
             * Boolean value corresponding to the swipe gesture detected by the LeapMotion sensor.
             * @property swipe
             * @type {Gesture}
             * @default false
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.swipe = false;
             * Boolean value corresponding to the clockwise detected by the LeapMotion.
             * @property clockwise
             * @type {Gesture}
             * @default false
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.clockwise = false;
             * Double especifies the radius of the circle gesture in mm.
             * @property circleradius
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 0
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.circleradius = 0;
             * Boolean value indicating if the LeapMotion device is streaming data.
             * @property deviceStreaming
             * @type {Connection indicator}
             * @default false
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.deviceStreaming = false;
             * Objetc containing the values of the last frame registered by the leapmotion sensor.
             * @property lastFrame
             * @type {Object}
             * @default null
       BB.LeapMotion.prototype.lastFrame = null;
           if(typeof Leap === 'undefined'){
             throw new Error(' missing LeapMotion library ');
       // using Leap. controller to create the connection to our sensor
            var controller = new Leap.Controller({enableGestures:true});
            var canvasGiven = false;
            // gets data from config
            var canvas = (config && typeof config.canvasConstructor === 'object') ? config.canvasConstructor : null; 
            var getGestures = (config && typeof config.gesturesEnabled === 'boolean') ? config.gesturesEnabled : false;
            var mapDimension = (config && typeof config.mapDimension === 'number') ? config.mapDimension : 2;
            if(canvas === null){
              console.log("No canvas given therefor x and y are only available setting mapX,mapY and mapZ if necessary");
              canvasGiven = false;
            }else{canvasGiven = true;}
            // the controller.on method lets us se what the sensor is telling us on each frame
            // frames are sent 200 frames per second
             // allowing user to acces frame therefor access all the data from the sdk
             BB.LeapMotion.prototype.lastFrame = frame;
              // frame.pointables allows us to detect when a frame has a pointable.(hand,finger)
                          var pointable = frame.pointables[0];
                          // creates and interaction box it provides normalized coordinates for hands, fingers, and tools within this box.
                          var interactionBox = frame.interactionBox;
                          // provides the stabalized tip position
                          var normalizedPosition = interactionBox.normalizePoint(pointable.stabilizedTipPosition, true);
                  if(canvasGiven && mapDimension === 2){
                          // Convert the normalized coordinates to span the canvas
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.x = canvas.width * normalizedPosition[0];
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.y = canvas.height * (1 - normalizedPosition[1]);                    
                  if(!canvasGiven && mapDimension ===3){
                          // Convert the normalized coordinates to span the canvas
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.x = widthX *  normalizedPosition[0];
                          //BB.LeapMotion.prototype.x = outputminX + (normalizedPosition[0] - minX)* xscale;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.y = heightY *  (1 - normalizedPosition[1]);
                          //BB.LeapMotion.prototype.y = -1 *(outputminY + (normalizedPosition[1] - minY)* yscale);
                          //BB.LeapMotion.prototype.z = depthZ * normalizedPosition[2] ;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.z = depthZ * (outputminZ + (normalizedPosition[2] - minZ)* zscale);
                      // make all vars false when no hand detected fromo the LeaMotion
                      if(frame.hands.length === 0){
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.grab = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.pinch = false;
                 = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.keytap = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.screenTap = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.swipe = false;
                      // detects hands and makes sure user wants to check for gestures.  
                      if(frame.hands.length > 0 && getGestures){
                        var hand = frame.hands[0];
                        var position = hand.palmPosition;
                        // when a frame detects a hand and gestures are wanted it will give true when gesture grab     
                        if(hand.grabStrength == 1){
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.grab = true;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.pinch = false;
                 = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.keytap = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.screenTap = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.swipe = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.grab = false;
                        // when a frame detects a hand and gestures are wanted it will give true when gesture pinch     
                        if(hand.pinchStrength == 1){
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.grab = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.pinch = true;
                 = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.keytap = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.screenTap = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.swipe = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.pinch = false;
                  // when no gestures are being detected all the pre loaded gestures are falsed. (circle,keytap,screenTap,swipe)    
                  if(frame.valid && frame.gestures.length === 0){
                 = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.keytap = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.screenTap = false;
                          BB.LeapMotion.prototype.swipe = false;
                // when a gesture is detected it will take each gesture and set to true the var that corresponds to the gesture 
                // making the gesture available to the user  
                if(frame.valid && frame.gestures.length > 0){              
                      switch (gesture.type){
                          case "circle":
                     = true;
                              var pointableID = gesture.pointableIds[0];
                              var direction = frame.pointable(pointableID).direction;
                              var dotProduct =, gesture.normal);
                              if(dotProduct > 0){
                              // detects if the circle gesture is clockwise and sets var.
                                 BB.LeapMotion.prototype.clockwise = true;
                              }else{ BB.LeapMotion.prototype.clockwise = false;}
                              BB.LeapMotion.prototype.circleradius = gesture.radius.toFixed(1) ;
                          case "keyTap":
                              BB.LeapMotion.prototype.keytap = true; 
                          case "screenTap":
                              BB.LeapMotion.prototype.screenTap = true;
                          case "swipe":
                              BB.LeapMotion.prototype.swipe = true;
        // connecto to the leap motion sensor to get data
        controller.on('deviceStreaming', onStreaming);
          function onStreaming(){
            BB.LeapMotion.prototype.deviceStreaming = true;
        controller.on('deviceStopped', onStopped);
          function onStopped(){
            BB.LeapMotion.prototype.deviceStreaming = false;
      BB.LeapMotion.mapX = function(configX){ 
         //minX = (configX && typeof configX.minX === 'number') ? configX.minX : 0; 
         //var maxX = (configX && typeof configX.maxX === 'number') ? configX.maxX : 0; 
         widthX = (configX && typeof configX.widthX === 'number') ? configX.widthX : null;
        // outputminX = - widthX /2;
        //var outputmaxX = widthX /2;
        // if( outputminX !== null && outputmaxX !== null ){
       //  xscale = (outputmaxX - outputminX)/(maxX - minX);
       //  }
         if(widthX === null){
          console.log(" widthX parameter missing on mapX method (Not needed if a canvas is given)");
      BB.LeapMotion.mapY = function(configY){ 
         //minY = (configY && typeof configY.minY === 'number') ? configY.minY : 0; 
         //var maxY = (configY && typeof configY.maxY === 'number') ? configY.maxY : 0; 
         heightY = (configY && typeof configY.heightY === 'number') ? configY.heightY : null;
         //outputminY = - heightY /2;
        // var outputmaxY = heightY /2;
        // if( outputminY !== null && outputmaxY !== null ){
        // yscale = (outputmaxY - outputminY)/(maxY - minY);
        // }
         if(heightY === null){
          console.log(" heightY parameter missing on mapY method (Not needed if a canvas is given)");
      BB.LeapMotion.mapZ = function(configZ){ 
         minZ = (configZ && typeof configZ.minZ === 'number') ? configZ.minZ : 0; 
         var maxZ = (configZ && typeof configZ.maxZ === 'number') ? configZ.maxZ : 0; 
         depthZ = (configZ && typeof configZ.depthZ === 'number') ? configZ.depthZ : null;
         outputminZ = - depthZ /2;
         var outputmaxZ = depthZ /2;
         if( outputminZ !== null && outputmaxZ !== null ){
         zscale = (outputmaxZ - outputminZ)/(maxZ - minZ);
         if(depthZ === null){
          console.log(" depthZ parameter missing on mapZ method (Must be present for 3D mapping)");
      return BB.LeapMotion;