File: src/BB.Pointer.js

    // A module for funneling in and standardizing pointer-like events
    // like mouse, touch, computer-vision detected hands, etc...
    // It has basic properties like x, y, isMoving and if the eventModule
    // that is passed into its update() has a selection interface (like the 
    // click on a mouse), then it also has an isDown property.
    // Note: This module is for use with HTML5 canvas only.
     * A module for funneling in and standardizing basic pointer-like interfaces
     * like mouse and touch.
     * @module BB.Pointer
    define(['./BB', './BB.MouseInput'],
    function(  BB,        MouseInput){
        'use strict';
        BB.MouseInput = MouseInput;
        //NOTE: called inside BB.Pointer using .call()
        //to bind this to BB.Pointer instance
        function bindEventsToControllerModule() {
        /*jshint validthis: true */
            // the BBMouseInput module uses event listeners attatched to it's
            // HTML5 canvas to fire these callbacks directly, so pass them along.
            if (this.controllerModule instanceof BB.MouseInput) {
                this.controllerModule._activeStartCallback = this._activeStartCallback;
                this.controllerModule._activeStopCallback  = this._activeStopCallback;
                this.controllerModule._moveStartCallback   = this._moveStartCallback;
                this.controllerModule._moveStopCallback    = this._moveStopCallback;
                this.controllerModule._moveCallback        = this._moveCallback;
         * A module for funneling in and standardizing basic pointer-like interfaces
         * like mouse and touch.
         * @class BB.Pointer
         * @param {Object} controllerModule The input module you would like to control
         * this pointer with.
         * @constructor
        BB.Pointer = function(controllerModule) {
            if (typeof controllerModule === "undefined") {
                throw new Error('BB.Pointer: controllerModule parameter is missing from the BB.Pointer constructor.');
            } else if (! (controllerModule instanceof BB.MouseInput)) {
                this.controllerModule = null;
                throw new Error("BB.Pointer.update: controllerModule is not a supported object type.");
            this.controllerModule = controllerModule;
             * The pointer's current x position as supplied by the eventModule in BB.Pointer.update(...).
             * @property x
             * @type {Number}
             * @default undefined
            this.x = null;
             * The pointer's current y position as supplied by the eventModule in BB.Pointer.update(...).
             * @property y
             * @type {Number}
             * @default undefined
            this.y = null;
             * A variable holding wether or not the event module controlling this
             * pointer object (via BB.Pointer.update(...)) is moving
             * @property isMoving
             * @type {Boolean}
             * @default false
            this.isMoving = false;
             * A variable holding wether or not the selection interface (i.e. mouse
             * button, etc...) controlling this pointer object (via
             * BB.Pointer.update(...)) is active.
             * @property isDown
             * @type {Boolean}
             * @default false
            this.isDown = false;
             * Does the selection interface controlling this pointer have a
             * selection interface (like a button)?
             * @property hasSelectionInterface
             * @type {Boolean}
             * @default false
            this.hasSelectionInterface = false;
            this._activeStartCallback = null;
            this._activeStopCallback  = null;
            this._moveStartCallback   = null;
            this._moveStopCallback    = null;
            this._moveCallback        = null;
        Object.defineProperty(BB.Pointer.prototype, "controllerModule", {
            get: function(){
                return this._controllerModule;
            set: function(val){
                this._controllerModule = val;
                // rebind the event callbacks in case this is 
                // a new controller module
         * Update the pointer using the controllerModule. Usually called once per animation frame.
         * @method update
         * @param  {Object} controllerModule 
        BB.Pointer.prototype.update = function() {
            // add a new conditional for each module that pointer supports and then
            // update BB.Pointer's internals (x, y, isMoving) in a custom way for
            // each type of input (kinect, etc...)
            if (this.controllerModule instanceof BB.MouseInput) {
                // these assignments are easy for a mouse input object but will take
                // more work for other types of modules (i.e. kinect)...
                this.x                     = this.controllerModule.x;
                this.y                     = this.controllerModule.y;
                this.isMoving              = this.controllerModule.isMoving;
                this.isDown                = this.controllerModule.isDown;
                this.hasSelectionInterface = false;
         * A method used to register "activestart", "activestop", "movestart", "movestop", and "move" events.
         * @method on
         * @param  {String}   eventName   The event to register callback to.
         * "activestart", "activestop", "movestart", and "movestop" are all valid
         * events.
         * @param  {Function} callback    The callback to execute once the
         * registered event has fired.
        BB.Pointer.prototype.on = function(eventName, callback){
            // save the callback so that it can be used later in update() if it needs to be    
            if (eventName == "activestart")      this._activeStartCallback       = callback;
            else if (eventName == "activestop")  this._activeStopCallback        = callback;
            else if (eventName == "movestart")   this._moveStartCallback         = callback;
            else if (eventName == "movestop")    this._moveStopCallback          = callback;
            else if (eventName == "move")        this._moveCallback              = callback;
            else {
                throw new Error('BB.Pointer.on: eventName is not a supported event.');
            if (this._controllerModule === null) {
                throw new Error('BB.Pointer.on: pointer has no controller module.' +
                                ' You must first call BB.Pointer.update() to assign this pointer a controller module.');
        return BB.Pointer;