
Basic scene manager for brushes and pointers. BB.BrushManager2D allows a drawing scene (that uses brushes) to persist while the rest of the canvas is cleared each frame. It also provides functionality to undo/redo manager to your drawing actions.

Note: The BB.BrushManager2D class creates a new canvas that is added to the DOM on top of the canvas object that you pass to its constructor. This is acheived through some fancy CSS inside of BB.BrushManager2D.updateCanvasPosition(...). For this reason the canvas passed to the constructor must be absolutely positioned and BB.BrushManager2D.updateCanvasPosition(...) should be called each time that canvas' position or size is updated.


  • canvas


  • canvas HTMLCanvasElement

    The HTML5 canvas element for the brush manager to use.


 var brushManager = new BB.BrushManager2D(document.getElementById('canvas'));


_fboImage Image protected

An internal FBO (Frame Buffer Object) that is assigned the pixels from canvas and is drawn during BB.BrushManager2D.draw()

_fboImageLoadWaiting Boolean protected

Internal flag checked against in BB.BrushManager2D.draw() that holds wether or not _fboImage is finished loaded. Note: this flag is purposefully not set when _fboImage.src is set from undo() or redo().

_fboImageTemp Image protected default:null

A deep copy of _fboImage that is drawn in BB.BrushManager2D.draw() when _fboImage is reloading

_history Array protected

An array of base-64 encoded images that represent undo states.

_needsRedo Boolean protected

Internal flag to determine if BB.BrushManager2D.redo() was called since the BB.BrushManager2D.update()

_needsUndo Boolean protected

Internal flag to determine if BB.BrushManager2D.undo() was called since the BB.BrushManager2D.update()

_parentCanvas HTMLCanvasElement protected

The canvas element passed into the BB.BrushManager2D constructor

_parentContext CanvasRenderingContext2D protected

The 2D drawing context of the canvas element passed into the BB.BrushManager2D constructor

_pointers Array protected

An array of BB.Pointer object used to control the brushes drawn to brush mananger

_pointerStates Array protected

An array of booleans indicating which pointers are currently active (down)

_purgatory Array protected

An array of base-64 encoded images that represent redo states.

_secondaryFboImage Image protected

A secondary internal FBO (Frame Buffer Object) that is assigned the pixels from _secondaryCanvas

_somePointersDown Boolean protected

Boolean that holds true if at least one pointer is active (down)

canvas HTMLCanvasElement

An in-memory canvas object used internally by BB.BrushManager to draw to and read pixels from

context CanvasRenderingContext2D

The 2D drawing context of canvas

numUndos Number default:5

The number of undo/redo states to save

secondaryCanvas HTMLCanvasElement

A secondary canvas that is used internally by BB.BrushManager. This canvas is written to the DOM on top of _parentCanvas (the canvas passed into the BB.BaseBrush2D constructor). It is absolutely positioned and has a z-index 1 higher than _parentCanvas.

secondaryContext CanvasRenderingContext2D

The 2D drawing context of secondaryCanvas

There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index


hasPointers () Boolean

A method to determine if the brush manager is currently tracking pointers.

Returns: Boolean

True if brush manager is tracking pointers.

hasRedo () Boolean

A method to determine if the brush manager currently has an redo state.

Returns: Boolean

True if brush manager has an redo state in its queue.

hasUndo () Boolean

A method to determine if the brush manager currently has an undo state.

Returns: Boolean

True if brush manager has an undo state in its queue.

redo ()

Redo one drawing action if available

  • pointers

Set the brush manager to use these pointers when drawing. BB.BrushManager2D must be tracking at least one pointer in order to update().


  • pointers Array

    An array of BB.Pointer objects for BB.BrushManager2D to track.

undo ()

Undo one drawing action if available

  • index

Untrack one pointer at index. Pointers tracked by BB.BrushManager2D have indexes based on the order they were added by calls to BB.BrushManager2D.trackPointers(...). Untracking a pointer removes it from the internal _pointers array which changes the index of all pointers after it. Keep this in mind when using this method.


  • index Number

    The index of the pointer to untrack.

untrackPointers ()

Untrack all pointers.

update ()

BB.BrushManager2D's update method. Should be called once per animation frame.

  • context

Draws the brush manager scene to the canvas supplied in the BB.BrushManager2D constructor or the optionally, "context" if it was provided as a parameter. Should be called once per animation frame.


  • context CanvasRenderingContext2D

    An optional drawing context that will be drawn to if it is supplied.

updateCanvasPosition ()

Notifies brush manager that the canvas passed into the BB.BrushManager2D constructor has been moved or resized. It is important to call this method whenever the positional CSS from the parent canvas is changed so that BB.BrushManager2D's internal canvases may be updated appropriately.


 var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
 var brushManager = new BB.BrushManager(canvas);

 window.onresize = function() {
     canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
     canvas.height = window.innerHeight;

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index