
A 2D brush module for drawing contiguous lines in a stamp-like fashion. What makes BB.LineBrush2D fundamentally different from BB.BaseBrush is that each new drawing instance is influenced by the previous position of the brush (usually to adjust for drawing angle or brush width).


  • [config]


  • [config] Object optional

    A optional config hash to initialize any of BB.LineBrush2D's public properties.


  var lineBrush = new BB.LineBrush2D({ width: 100, height: 100, variant: "soft" });


color BB.Color default:null

The brush's color.

height Number default:10

The brush's height.

hidden Boolean default:false

Wether or not to draw the brush to the screen. Toggle this variable to hide and show the brush.

prevX Number default:null

The brush's previous x position. This property is unique to BB.LineBrush.

prevY Number default:null

The brush's previous y position. This property is unique to BB.LineBrush.

rotation Number default:0

The brush's rotation in degrees. This property is not always used with each brush variant.

type String default:"line"

Inherited from BB.BaseBrush2D but overwritten in src/BB.LineBrush2D.js:53

The type of brush. This property should be treated as read-only.

variant String default:solid

The current brush variant.

variants Array

An array of all supported variants.

variants Boolean protected

Keeps track of wether or not the controllerModule passed into update was made active (for instance if it was pressed) this frame.

weight Number default:1

The brush's line weight.

width Number default:10

The brush's width.

x Number default:0

The brush's x position.

y Number default:0

The brush's y position.

There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index


  • context

Inherited from BB.BaseBrush2D but overwritten in src/BB.LineBrush2D.js:142

Draws the brush to the context. Usually called once per animation frame.


  • context Object

    The HTML5 canvas context you would like to draw to.

  • amount

Multiplies width and height properties by amount.


  • amount Number

    Amount to scale width and height by


  var brush = new BB.BaseBrush2D({ width: 50, height: 100 });
  brush.width // 100
  brush.height // 200

  • controllerModule

Inherited from BB.BaseBrush2D but overwritten in src/BB.LineBrush2D.js:111

Update method. Usually called once per animation frame.


  • controllerModule Object

    An object with x and y properties and optionally an isDown boolean (used for beginning and ending strokeds/marks).


 var mouseInput = new BB.MouseInput(document.getElementById('canvas'));
 var pointer = new BB.Pointer(mouseInput);
 var brush = new BB.LineBrush2D();

  // called once per animation frame (from somewhere else in your app)
 function update() {
    brush.update(pointer); // update the brush using the pointer

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index