
A module for doing FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) analysis on audio


  • config


  • config Object

    A config object to initialize the Sampler, must contain a "context: AudioContext" property and can contain properties for fftSize, smoothing, maxDecibels and minDecibels ( see AnalyserNode for details )


in the example bellow "samp" is assumed to be an instanceof BB.AudioSampler ( represented by the Gain in the image below ), it's connected to the Analyser which is connected to the BB.Audio.context ( ie. AudioDestination ) by default


 var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser();
 // assuming samp is an instanceof BB.AudioSampler
 samp.connect( fft );

 // you can override fft's defaults by passing a config
 var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser({
    context: BB.Audio.context[3],
    connect: BB.Audio.context[3].destination

view basic BB.AudioAnalyser example


ctx AudioContext default:BB.Audio.context

the Audio Context this derived from

gain GainNode private

the "output" gain node ( use .volume, .setGain() to interface with this )

node AnalyserNode

the AnalyserNode itself

volume Number default:1

the master volume (of output gain node)

There are no properties that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index


  • destination
  • output
  • input

connects the Noise to a particular AudioNode or AudioDestinationNode


  • destination AudioNode

    the AudioNode or AudioDestinationNode to connect to

  • output Number

    which output of the the Noise do you want to connect to the destination

  • input Number

    which input of the destination you want to connect the Noise to



 var node = new BB.AudioBase({
    volume: 0.75,

  node.connect( exampleNode );
  // connected to both default BB.Audio.context && exampleNode
  // so if exampleNode is also connected to BB.Audio.context by default,
  // ...then you've got node connected to BB.Audio.context twice

...which looks like this ( where the first Gain is the Noise and the second is the exampleNode )

  • destination
  • output
  • input

diconnects the Noise from the node it's connected to


  • destination AudioNode

    what it's connected to

  • output Number

    the particular output number

  • input Number

    the particular input number

     var node = new BB.AudioBase({
        volume: 0.75,

     node.disconnect(); // disconnected from default BB.Audio.context
     node.connect( exampleNode ); // connected to exampleNode only

    ...which looks like this ( where the first Gain is the node and the second is the exampleNode )

getAmplitude ()

returns the averaged amplitude between both channels

getByteFrequencyData ()

returns an array with frequency byte data



 var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser();

 // then in a canvas draw loop...
 var fdata = fft.getByteFrequencyData();
 for (var i = 0; i < fdata.length; i++) {
   var value = fdata[i];
   var percent = value / 256;
   var height = HEIGHT percent;
   var offset = HEIGHT - height - 1;
   var barWidth = WIDTH/fdata.length;
barWidth, offset, barWidth, height);

getByteTimeDomainData ()

returns an array with time domain byte data



 var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser();

 // then in a canvas draw loop...
 var tdata = fft.getByteTimeDomainData();
 var sliceWidth = WIDTH / tdata.length;
 var x = 0;
 for (var i = 0; i < tdata.length; i++) {
   var v = tdata[i] / 128.0;
   var y = v * HEIGHT/2;
   if(i===0) ctx.moveTo(x,y);
   else ctx.lineTo(x,y);

getFloatFrequencyData ()

returns an array with frequency float data

getFloatTimeDomainData ()

returns an array with time domain float data

getPitch () Number

returns pitch frequency (float) in Hz, based on Chris Wilson

Returns: Number


getResampledBufferData ()

returns an multi-dimentional array ( one array per channel ) with resampled buffer data ( for drawing an entire waveform of a file )



 var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser();

 // then in a canvas draw loop...
 var tdata = fft.getResampledBufferData();
 var sliceWidth = WIDTH / tdata.length;
 var x = 0;
 for (var i = 0; i < tdata.length; i++) {
   var v = tdata[i] / 128.0;
   var y = v * HEIGHT/2;
   if(i===0) ctx.moveTo(x,y);
   else ctx.lineTo(x,y);

  • num
  • ramp

sets the gain level of the node ( in a sense, master volume control )


  • num Number

    a float value, 1 being the default volume, below 1 decreses the volume, above one pushes the gain

  • ramp Number

    value in seconds for how quickly/slowly to ramp to the new value (num) specified



 var node = new BB.AudioBase({
    volume: 0.75

  node.setGain( 0.25, 2 ); // lower's volume from 0.75 to 0.25 in 2 seconds
// if no ramp value is needed, you could alternatively do
  node.volume = 0.5; // immediately jumps from 0.25 to 0.5

There are no methods that match your current filter settings. You can change your filter settings in the index section on this page. index