File: src/BB.AudioAnalyser.js

     * A module for doing FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) analysis on audio 
     * @module BB.AudioAnalyser
     * @extends BB.AudioBase
    define(['./BB', './BB.AudioBase'],
    function(  BB,		  AudioBase ){
    	'use strict';
    	 *  A module for doing FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) analysis on audio 
    	 * @class BB.AudioAnalyser
    	 * @constructor
     	 * @extends BB.AudioBase
    	 * @param {Object} config A config object to initialize the Sampler, must contain a "context: AudioContext" 
    	 * property and can contain properties for fftSize, smoothing, maxDecibels and minDecibels
    	 * ( see <a href="" target="_blank">AnalyserNode</a> for details )
    	 * @example  
    	 * in the example bellow "samp" is assumed to be an instanceof <a href="BB.AudioSampler.html" target="_blank">BB.AudioSampler</a> ( represented by the Gain in the image below ), it's connected to the Analyser which is connected to the BB.Audio.context ( ie. AudioDestination ) by default
    	 * <br> <img src="../assets/images/audioanalyser.png"/><br>
    	 * <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	 *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser(); <br>
    	 *	&nbsp;// assuming samp is an instanceof BB.AudioSampler <br>
    	 *	&nbsp;samp.connect( fft ); <br><br><br>
    	 *	&nbsp;// you can override fft's defaults by passing a config <br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser({<br>
    	 *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;context: BB.Audio.context[3],<br>
    	 *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;connect: BB.Audio.context[3].destination<br>
    	 *  &nbsp;}); <br>
    	 * </code>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-analyser" target="_blank">BB.AudioAnalyser</a> example
    	BB.AudioAnalyser = function( config ){
   , config);
    		 * the <a href="" target="_blank">AnalyserNode</a> itself
    		 * @type {AnalyserNode}
    		 * @property node
    		this.node 		= this.ctx.createAnalyser();
    		this.fftSize 		= ( typeof config!=="undefined" && typeof config.fftSize !== 'undefined' ) ? config.fftSize : 2048;
    		this.smoothing 		= ( typeof config!=="undefined" && typeof config.smoothing !== 'undefined' ) ? config.smoothing : 0.8;
    		this.maxDecibels	= ( typeof config!=="undefined" && typeof config.maxDecibels !== 'undefined' ) ? config.maxDecibels : -30;
    		this.minDecibels	= ( typeof config!=="undefined" && typeof config.minDecibels !== 'undefined' ) ? config.minDecibels : -90;
    		this.node.fftSize 					= this.fftSize;
    		this.node.smoothingTimeConstant 	= this.smoothing;
    		this.node.maxDecibels 				= this.maxDecibels;
    		this.node.minDecibels 				= this.minDecibels;			
    		this.freqByteData 	= new Uint8Array( this.node.frequencyBinCount );
    		this.freqFloatData 	= new Float32Array(this.node.frequencyBinCount);
    		this.timeByteData 	= new Uint8Array( this.node.frequencyBinCount );
    		this.timeFloatData 	= new Float32Array(this.node.frequencyBinCount);
    		this.node.connect( this.gain );
    		if( this.fftSize%2 !== 0 || this.fftSize < 32 || this.fftSize > 2048)
    			throw new Error('Analyser: fftSize must be a multiple of 2 between 32 and 2048');
     	BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype = Object.create(BB.AudioBase.prototype);
        BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype.constructor = BB.AudioAnalyser;
         * returns an array with frequency byte data
         * @method getByteFrequencyData
    	 * @example  
    	 * <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	 *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;// then in a canvas draw loop...<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var fdata = fft.getByteFrequencyData();<br>
         *	&nbsp;for (var i = 0; i < fdata.length; i++) {<br>
         *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var value = fdata[i];<br>
     	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var percent = value / 256;<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var height = HEIGHT * percent;<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var offset = HEIGHT - height - 1;<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var barWidth = WIDTH/fdata.length;<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ctx.fillRect(i * barWidth, offset, barWidth, height);<br>
         *	&nbsp;};<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 * </code>
    	BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getByteFrequencyData = function(){
    		this.node.getByteFrequencyData( this.freqByteData );
    		return this.freqByteData;
         * returns an array with frequency float data
         * @method getFloatFrequencyData
    	BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getFloatFrequencyData = function(){
    		this.node.getFloatFrequencyData( this.freqFloatData );
    		return this.freqFloatData;
         * returns an array with time domain byte data
         * @method getByteTimeDomainData
    	 * @example  
    	 * <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	 *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;// then in a canvas draw loop...<br>
         *	&nbsp;var tdata = fft.getByteTimeDomainData();<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;ctx.beginPath();<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var sliceWidth = WIDTH / tdata.length;<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var x = 0;<br>
         *	&nbsp;for (var i = 0; i < tdata.length; i++) {<br>
         *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var v = tdata[i] / 128.0;<br>
         *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var y = v * HEIGHT/2;		<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if(i===0) ctx.moveTo(x,y);<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;else ctx.lineTo(x,y);		<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;x+=sliceWidth;<br>
         *	&nbsp;}<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;ctx.lineTo(WIDTH,HEIGHT/2);<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;ctx.stroke();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 * </code>
    	BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getByteTimeDomainData = function(){
    		this.node.getByteTimeDomainData( this.timeByteData );
    		return this.timeByteData;
         * returns an array with time domain float data
         * @method getFloatTimeDomainData
    	BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getFloatTimeDomainData = function(){
    		this.node.getFloatTimeDomainData( this.timeFloatData );
    		return this.timeFloatData;
         * returns the averaged amplitude between both channels
         * @method getAmplitude
    	BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getAmplitude = function(){
    		var array = this.getByteFrequencyData();
    		var v = 0;
    		var averageAmp;
    		var l = array.length;
    		for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    			v += array[i];
    		averageAmp = v / l;
    		return averageAmp;
    	 * returns pitch frequency (float) in Hz, based on <a href="" target="_blank">Chris Wilson</a>
    	 * @return {Number} pitch
         * @method getPitch
    	BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getPitch = function() {
    		var SIZE = this.timeFloatData.length;
    		var MAX_SAMPLES = Math.floor(SIZE/2);
    		var MIN_SAMPLES = 0;  
    		var best_offset = -1;
    		var best_correlation = 0;
    		var rms = 0;
    		var foundGoodCorrelation = false;
    		var correlations = new Array(MAX_SAMPLES);
    		this.node.getFloatTimeDomainData( this.timeFloatData );
    		for (var i=0;i<SIZE;i++) {
    			var val = this.timeFloatData[i];
    			rms += val*val;
    		rms = Math.sqrt(rms/SIZE);
    		if (rms<0.01) // not enough signal
    			return -1;
    		var lastCorrelation=1;
    		for (var offset = MIN_SAMPLES; offset < MAX_SAMPLES; offset++) {
    			var correlation = 0;
    			for (var j=0; j<MAX_SAMPLES; j++) {
    				correlation += Math.abs((this.timeFloatData[j])-(this.timeFloatData[j+offset]));
    			correlation = 1 - (correlation/MAX_SAMPLES);
    			correlations[offset] = correlation; // store it, for the tweaking we need to do below.
    			if ((correlation>0.9) && (correlation > lastCorrelation)) {
    				foundGoodCorrelation = true;
    				if (correlation > best_correlation) {
    					best_correlation = correlation;
    					best_offset = offset;
    			} else if (foundGoodCorrelation) {
    				// short-circuit - we found a good correlation, then a bad one, so we'd just be seeing copies from here.
    				// Now we need to tweak the offset - by interpolating between the values to the left and right of the
    				// best offset, and shifting it a bit.  This is complex, and HACKY in this code (happy to take PRs!) -
    				// we need to do a curve fit on correlations[] around best_offset in order to better determine precise
    				// (anti-aliased) offset.
    				// we know best_offset >=1, 
    				// since foundGoodCorrelation cannot go to true until the second pass (offset=1), and 
    				// we can't drop into this clause until the following pass (else if).
    				var shift = (correlations[best_offset+1] - correlations[best_offset-1])/correlations[best_offset];  
    				return this.ctx.sampleRate/(best_offset+(8*shift));
    			lastCorrelation = correlation;
    		if (best_correlation > 0.01) {
    			return this.ctx.sampleRate/best_offset;
    		return -1;
         * returns an multi-dimentional array ( one array per channel ) with resampled buffer data ( for drawing an entire waveform of a file )
         * @method getResampledBufferData
    	 * @example  
    	 * <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	 *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var fft = new BB.AudioAnalyser();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;// then in a canvas draw loop...<br>
         *	&nbsp;var tdata = fft.getResampledBufferData();<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;ctx.beginPath();<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var sliceWidth = WIDTH / tdata.length;<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;var x = 0;<br>
         *	&nbsp;for (var i = 0; i < tdata.length; i++) {<br>
         *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var v = tdata[i] / 128.0;<br>
         *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var y = v * HEIGHT/2;		<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;if(i===0) ctx.moveTo(x,y);<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;else ctx.lineTo(x,y);		<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;x+=sliceWidth;<br>
         *	&nbsp;}<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;ctx.lineTo(WIDTH,HEIGHT/2);<br>
    	 *	&nbsp;ctx.stroke();<br>
    	 *	<br>
    	 * </code>
        BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype._resampleBufferData = function( chnlData, length ){
        	// maths via:
    			chnlData is a Float32Array describing that channel       
    			we 'resample' with cumul, count, variance
    			Offset 0 : PositiveCumul  1: PositiveCount  2: PositiveVariance
    			       3 : NegativeCumul  4: NegativeCount  5: NegativeVariance
    			that makes 6 data per bucket
    		var resampled = new Float64Array(length * 6 );
    		var i=0, j=0, buckIndex = 0;
    		var min=1000, max=-1000;
    		var thisValue=0, res=0;
    		var sampleCount = chnlData.length;
    		// first pass for mean
    		for (i=0; i<sampleCount; i++) {
    			// in which bucket do we fall ?
    			buckIndex = 0 | ( length * i / sampleCount );
    			buckIndex *= 6;
    			// positive or negative ?
    			thisValue = chnlData[i];
    			if (thisValue>0) {
    				resampled[buckIndex    ] += thisValue;
    				resampled[buckIndex + 1] +=1;
    			} else if (thisValue<0) {
    				resampled[buckIndex + 3] += thisValue;
    				resampled[buckIndex + 4] +=1;                           
    			if (thisValue<min) min=thisValue;
    			if (thisValue>max) max = thisValue;
    		// compute mean now
    		for (i=0, j=0; i<length; i++, j+=6) {
    			if (resampled[j+1] !== 0) {
    				resampled[j] /= resampled[j+1]; 
    			if (resampled[j+4]!== 0) {
    				resampled[j+3] /= resampled[j+4];
    		// second pass for mean variation  ( variance is too low)
    		for (i=0; i<chnlData.length; i++) {
    			// in which bucket do we fall ?
    			buckIndex = 0 | (length * i / chnlData.length );
    			buckIndex *= 6;
    			// positive or negative ?
    			thisValue = chnlData[i];
    			if (thisValue>0) {
    				resampled[buckIndex + 2] += Math.abs( resampled[buckIndex] - thisValue );               
    			} else  if (thisValue<0) {
    				resampled[buckIndex + 5] += Math.abs( resampled[buckIndex + 3] - thisValue );                           
    		// compute mean variation/variance now
    		for (i=0, j=0; i<length; i++, j+=6) {
    			if (resampled[j+1]) resampled[j+2] /= resampled[j+1];
    			if (resampled[j+4]) resampled[j+5] /= resampled[j+4];
    		return resampled;
    	BB.AudioAnalyser.prototype.getResampledBufferData = function( buffer, length ){
    		if( !(buffer instanceof AudioBuffer) ) throw new Error("BB.AudioAnalyser.getResampledBufferData: first parameter expecing an AudioBuffer (object)");
    		if( typeof length !=="number") throw new Error("BB.AudioAnalyser.getResampledBufferData: second parameter expecing number (length to resample to)");
    		var data = [];
    		for (var i = 0; i < buffer.numberOfChannels; i++) {
    			var chnlData = this._resampleBufferData( buffer.getChannelData(i), length );
    			data.push( chnlData );
    		return data;
    	return BB.AudioAnalyser;