File: src/BB.AudioBase.js

     * A base audio module class, extended by BB.AudioNoise, BB.AudioSampler, BB.AudioFX, etc.
     * @module BB.AudioBase
    define(['./BB', './BB.Audio', './BB.Detect' ],
    function(  BB,        Audio,        Detect ){
    	'use strict';
         * A base audio module class, extended by BB.AudioNoise, BB.AudioSampler, BB.AudioFX, etc.
         * @class BB.AudioBase
         * @constructor
         * @example  
         * in the example below instantiating the BB.AudioBase creates a <a href="" target="_blank">GainNode</a> ( essentially the modules's output ) connected to the default BB.Audio.context ( ie. AudioDestination )
         * <br> <img src="../assets/images/audiosampler1.png"/>
         * <br>
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;var node = new BB.AudioBase();<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;// or optional config property<br>
         *  &nbsp;var node = new BB.AudioBase({<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;context: BB.Audio.context[2],<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;connect: fft,<br>
         *  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;volume: 0.5<br>
         *  });<br>
         *  <br>
         * </code>
    	BB.AudioBase = function( config ) {
    		if(typeof config === "undefined") config = {};
    		* the Audio Context this derived from
    		* @property ctx
    		* @type AudioContext
    		* @default BB.Audio.context
    		if( typeof BB.Audio.context === "undefined" )
    			throw new Error('BB Audio Modules require that you first create an AudioContext: BB.Audio.init()');
    		if( BB.Audio.context instanceof Array ){
    			if( typeof config === "undefined" || typeof config.context === "undefined" )
    				throw new Error('BB.AudioBase: BB.Audio.context is an Array, specify which { context:BB.Audio.context[?] }');
    				this.ctx = config.context;		
    		} else {
    			this.ctx = BB.Audio.context;
    		* the "output" gain node ( use .volume, .setGain() to interface with this )
    		* @property gain
    		* @type GainNode
    		* @private
    		this.gain       = this.ctx.createGain();    
    		// default destination is context destination
    		// unless otherwise specified in { connect:AudioNode }
    		if( typeof config.connect !== 'undefined' ){
    			if( config.connect instanceof BB.AudioAnalyser )
    				this.gain.connect( config.connect.node );
    			else if( config.connect instanceof BB.AudioFX || config.connect instanceof BB.AFX  ) 
    				this.gain.connect( config.connect.input );
    			else if( config.connect instanceof BB.AudioBase )
    				this.gain.connect( config.connect.gain );
    			else if( config.connect instanceof AudioDestinationNode || config.connect instanceof AudioNode ) 
    				this.gain.connect( config.connect );
    				throw new Error('BB.AudioBase: connect property expecting an AudioNode');
    		} else {
    			this.gain.connect( this.ctx.destination );
    		this._volume = (typeof config.volume !== "undefined") ? config.volume : 1; // MASTER NOISE VOLUME ESSENTIALY 
    		this.gain.gain.value = this._volume; = "master";
    	* the master volume (of output gain node)
    	* @property volume
    	* @type Number
    	* @default 1
    	Object.defineProperty(BB.AudioBase.prototype, "volume", {
    		get: function() {
    			return this._volume;
    		set: function(v) {
    			if( typeof v !== 'number'){
    				throw new Error("BB.AudioBase.volume: expecing a number");
    			} else {
    				this.setGain( v );
    	* connects the Noise to a particular AudioNode or AudioDestinationNode
    	* @method connect
    	* @param  {AudioNode} destination the AudioNode or AudioDestinationNode to connect to
    	* @param  {Number} output      which output of the the Noise do you want to connect to the destination
    	* @param  {Number} input       which input of the destination you want to connect the Noise to
    	* @example  
    	* <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	*  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;var node = new BB.AudioBase({<br>
    	*  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;volume: 0.75,<br>
    	*  &nbsp;});<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp; node.connect( exampleNode );<br>
    	*  &nbsp; // connected to both default BB.Audio.context && exampleNode<br>
    	*  &nbsp; // so if exampleNode is also connected to BB.Audio.context by default,<br>
    	*  &nbsp; // ...then you've got node connected to BB.Audio.context twice<br>
    	* </code>
    	* <br>
    	* ...which looks like this ( where the first Gain is the Noise and the second is the exampleNode )<br>
    	* <img src="../assets/images/audiosampler3.png">
    	BB.AudioBase.prototype.connect = function( destination, output, input ){
    		if( destination instanceof BB.AudioAnalyser) 
    			destination = destination.node;
    		else if( destination instanceof BB.AudioFX || destination instanceof BB.AFX  )
    			destination = destination.input;
    		else if( destination instanceof BB.AudioBase )
    			destination = destination.gain;
    		if( !(destination instanceof AudioDestinationNode || destination instanceof AudioNode) )
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioBase.connect: destination should be an instanceof AudioDestinationNode or AudioNode');
    		if( typeof output !== "undefined" && typeof output !== "number" )
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioBase.connect: output should be a number');
    		if( typeof intput !== "undefined" && typeof input !== "number" )
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioBase.connect: input should be a number');
    		if( typeof intput !== "undefined" ) this.gain.connect( destination, output, input );
    		else if( typeof output !== "undefined" ) this.gain.connect( destination, output );
    		else this.gain.connect( destination );
    	* diconnects the Noise from the node it's connected to
    	* @method disconnect
    	* @param  {AudioNode} destination what it's connected to
    	* @param  {Number} output      the particular output number
    	* @param  {Number} input       the particular input number
    	* <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	*  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;var node = new BB.AudioBase({<br>
    	*  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;volume: 0.75,<br>
    	*  &nbsp;});<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;node.disconnect(); // disconnected from default BB.Audio.context<br>
    	*  &nbsp;node.connect( exampleNode ); // connected to exampleNode only<br>
    	* </code>
    	* <br>
    	* ...which looks like this ( where the first Gain is the node and the second is the exampleNode )<br>
    	* <img src="../assets/images/audiosampler4.png">
    	BB.AudioBase.prototype.disconnect = function(destination, output, input ){
    		if( destination instanceof BB.AudioAnalyser ) 
    			destination = destination.node;
    		else if( destination instanceof BB.AudioFX || destination instanceof BB.AFX  )
    			destination = destination.input;
    		else if( destination instanceof BB.AudioBase )
    			destination = destination.gain;
    		if( typeof destination !== "undefined" &&
    			!(destination instanceof AudioDestinationNode || destination instanceof AudioNode) )
    				throw new Error('BB.AudioBase.disconnect: destination should be an instanceof AudioDestinationNode or AudioNode');
    		if( typeof output !== "undefined" && typeof output !== "number" )
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioBase.disconnect: output should be a number');
    		if( typeof input !== "undefined" && typeof input !== "number" )
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioBase.disconnect: input should be a number');
    		if( typeof input !== "undefined" ) this.gain.disconnect( destination, output, input );
    		else if( typeof output !== "undefined" ) this.gain.disconnect( destination, output );
    		else if( typeof destination !== "undefined" ) this.gain.disconnect( destination );
    		else  this.gain.disconnect();
    	* sets the gain level of the node ( in a sense, master volume control )
    	* @method setGain
    	* @param {Number} num a float value, 1 being the default volume, below 1 decreses the volume, above one pushes the gain
    	* @param {Number} ramp value in seconds for how quickly/slowly to ramp to the new value (num) specified
    	* @example  
    	* <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	*  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;var node = new BB.AudioBase({<br>
    	*  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;volume: 0.75<br>
    	*  &nbsp;});<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp; node.setGain( 0.25, 2 ); // lower's volume from 0.75 to 0.25 in 2 seconds <br>
    	*  // if no ramp value is needed, you could alternatively do<br>
    	*  &nbsp; node.volume = 0.5; // immediately jumps from 0.25 to 0.5 <br>
    	* </code>
    	BB.AudioBase.prototype.setGain = function( num, gradually ){
    		if( typeof num !== "number" )
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioBase.setGain: first argument expecting a number');
    		this._volume = num;
    		if(typeof gradually !== "undefined"){
    			if( typeof num !== "number" )
    				throw new Error('BB.AudioBase.setGain: second argument expecting a number');
    				this._globalGainUpdate( gradually );
    		else { this._globalGainUpdate(0); }
    	BB.AudioBase.prototype._sec2tc = function( sec ){
    		return ( sec * 2 ) / 10;
    	BB.AudioBase.prototype._globalGainUpdate = function( gradually ){
    		if(typeof gradually === "undefined") gradually = 0;    
    			this.gain.gain.setTargetAtTimePoly( this._volume, 0, gradually);
    		} else {
    			this.gain.gain.setTargetAtTime( this._volume, 0, this._sec2tc(gradually));
    	// ... polyfills .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....
    		// !!! *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! 
    		// !!! *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! 
    		AudioParam.prototype.setTargetAtTimePoly = function( target, startTime, seconds ){
    		    // this.value = target;
    		    var polyTimeout = null;
    		    var polyInterval = null;
    		    startTime = startTime * 1000;
    		    var self = this;
    		    // if(typeof polyTimeout !== "undefined"){ clearTimeout( polyTimeout ); polyTimeout = undefined; }  
    		    polyTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
    		            self.value = target;
    		            // console.log(,'jump to '+target+", now "+self.value)             
    		        } else {
    		            // if(typeof polyInterval !== "undefined"){ clearInterval( polyInterval ); polyInterval = undefined; }  
    		            var delta =  target - self.value;
    		            var inc = delta / (seconds*60);
    		            var dir = (delta>=0) ? "up" : "down";
    		            polyInterval = setInterval(function(){                      
    		                self.value += inc*2; // why 2? well b/c for some f'n reason it goes too slow otherwise
    		                    if( self.value >= target){clearInterval( polyInterval ); }
    		                } else {
    		                    if( self.value <= target){clearInterval( polyInterval ); }
    		            }, 1000/60 );
    		    }, startTime );
    	return BB.AudioBase;