File: src/BB.AudioBufferLoader.js

     * A module for creating audio buffers from audio files
     * @module BB.AudioBufferLoader
    function(  BB){
        'use strict';
         * A module for creating audio buffers from audio files
         * @class BB.AudioBufferLoader
         * @constructor
         * @param {Object} config A config object to initialize the buffer ( context:AudioContext, paths: Array of file paths, autoload:boolean)
         * @param {Function} [callback] A callback, with a buffer Object
         * @example  
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         * &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
         * <br>
         * &nbsp;// one way to do it<br>
         * &nbsp;var loader = new BB.AudioBufferLoader({<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;paths: ['audio/katy.ogg','audio/entro.ogg']<br>
         * &nbsp;}, function(buffers){<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;console.log('loaded:', buffers )<br>
         * &nbsp;});<br>
         * <br>
         * &nbsp;// another way to do it<br>
         * &nbsp;loader = new BB.AudioBufferLoader({ <br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;context:BB.Audio.context, <br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;paths:['katy.ogg','entro.ogg'], <br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;autoload:false <br>
         * &nbsp;});<br>
         * &nbsp;loader.load(); // call load later, ex under some other condition<br>
         * </code>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-buffer" target="_blank">BB.AudioBufferLoader</a> example
        BB.AudioBufferLoader = function( config, callback ){
            // the AudioContext to be used by this module 
            if( typeof BB.Audio.context === "undefined" )
                throw new Error('BB Audio Modules require that you first create an AudioContext: BB.Audio.init()');
            if( BB.Audio.context instanceof Array ){
                if( typeof config === "undefined" || typeof config.context === "undefined" )
                    throw new Error('BB.AudioBufferLoader: BB.Audio.context is an Array, specify which { context:BB.Audio.context[?] }');
                else {
                    this.ctx = config.context;
            } else {
                this.ctx = BB.Audio.context;
             * array of paths to audio files to load 
             * @type {Array}
             * @property urls
            this.urls       = config.paths;
            // whether or not to autoload the files
         = ( typeof config.autoload !== 'undefined' ) ? config.autoload : true;
            //callback to run after loading
            this.onload     = callback;
            // to know when to callback
            this._cnt       = 0; 
             * audio buffers array, accessible in callback
             * @type {Array}
             * @property buffers
            this.buffers    = [];
            if( !config ) throw new Error('BB.AudioBufferLoader: requires a config object');
            if( !(this.ctx instanceof AudioContext) ) 
                throw new Error('BB.AudioBufferLoader: context should be an instance of AudioContext');
            if( !(this.urls instanceof Array) ) 
                throw new Error('BB.AudioBufferLoader: paths should be an Array of paths');
            if( typeof !== 'boolean' ) 
                throw new Error('BB.AudioBufferLoader: autoload should be either true or false');
            if( ) this.load();
         * private function used by load() to load a buffer
         * @method loadbuffer
         * @param {String} path to audio file 
         * @param {Number} index of buffer 
         * @protected
        BB.AudioBufferLoader.prototype.loadbuffer = function(url, index){
            var self = this;
            // create rootpath to get around bug ( which seems to have gone away? )
            // var fullpath = window.location.pathname;
            // var filename = fullpath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');
            // var rootpath = fullpath.substring(0,fullpath.length-filename.length);
            var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
      'GET', url, true);
                req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
                req.onload = function(){
                    self.ctx.decodeAudioData( req.response, function(decodedData){ 
                        if(!decodedData) throw new Error('BB.AudioBufferLoader: decodeAudioData: could not decode: ' + url );
                        self.buffers[index] = decodedData;
                        if( ++self._cnt == self.urls.length && typeof self.onload !=='undefined') 
                            self.onload( self.buffers ); // if callback do callback 
                    },function(err){ throw new Error('BB.AudioBufferLoader: decodeAudioData:'+err);});
                req.onerror = function(){ throw new Error('BB.AudioBufferLoader: XHMHttpRequest'); };
         * creates buffers from url paths set in the constructor, automatically runs
         * in constructor unless autoload is set to false ( in the config )
         * @method load 
        BB.AudioBufferLoader.prototype.load = function(){
            for (var i = 0; i < this.urls.length; i++) this.loadbuffer( this.urls[i], i );
        return BB.AudioBufferLoader;