File: src/BB.AudioNoise.js

     * A module for creating differnt kinds of noise ( defined as any nonconventional and/or mathematically calculated sound buffer ) 
     * @module BB.AudioNoise
     * @extends BB.AudioBase
    define(['./BB', './BB.AudioBase' ],
    function(  BB,        AudioBase ){
    	'use strict';
         * A module for creating differnt kinds of noise ( defined as any nonconventional and/or mathematically calculated sound buffer ) 
         * @class BB.AudioNoise
         * @constructor
         * @extends BB.AudioBase
         * @param {Object} config this can either be a string (type of noise "white","pink","brown","perlin" ), or a custom function ( see example further down ) or a config object to initialize the Noise
         * can contain the following:<br><br>
         * <code class="code prettyprint">
         * &nbsp;{<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; context: BB.Audio.context[2], // choose specific context <br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; connect: fft, // overide default destination <br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; volume: 0.5, // technically master "gain" (expolential multiplier)<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; duraton: 2, // in seconds (corresponds to length of buffer)<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; channels: 1, // channels in buffer <br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; type: "pink", // "white","pink","brown","perlin" or custom function<br>
         * &nbsp;}
         * </code>
         * <br>
         * <br> 
         * @example  
         * in the example below instantiating the BB.AudioNoise creates a <a href="" target="_blank">GainNode</a> ( essentially the Noise's output ) connected to the default BB.Audio.context ( ie. AudioDestination )
         * <br> <img src="../assets/images/audiosampler1.png"/>
         * <br> everytime noise is played, for example: <code> white.makeNoise()</code>, a corresponding <a href="" target="_blank">SourceNode</a> with the appropriate sound buffer (the initialized noise data) is created and connected to the Noise's master GainNode
         * <br>
         * <code class="code prettyprint">  
         *  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;var white = new BB.AudioNoise('white');<br>
         *  <br>
         *  &nbsp;white.makeNoise();// plays noise <br>
         *  &nbsp;var now = BB.Audio.context.currentTime; <br>
         *  &nbsp;white.makeNoise( 8, 0.5, now+3 ); // plays noise for 8 seconds, at half volume, 3 seconds from now <br><br>
         * &nbsp;// example with config object<br>
         * &nbsp;var brown = new BB.AudioNoise({<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;volume: 0.75,<br>
         * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;type: "brown"<br>
         * &nbsp;});<br><br>
         * &nbsp;// example with custom function type<br>
         * &nbsp;var noisey = new BB.AudioNoise(function(){<br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var frameCount = this.ctx.sampleRate \* this.duration;<br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for (var ch = 0; ch < this.channels; ch++) {<br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;var data = this.buffer.getChannelData( ch );<br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for (var i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {<br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;data[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1;<br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;};<br>
    	 * &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;};<br>
         * &nbsp;});<br>
         * </code>
         * view basic <a href="../../examples/editor/?file=audio-noise" target="_blank">BB.AudioNoise</a> example
    	BB.AudioNoise = function( config ) {
 , config);
    		var types = ["white","pink","brown","perlin"];
    		if(typeof config === "undefined"){ config = {}; }
    		else if(typeof config === "function" || typeof config === "string" && types.indexOf( config) >= 0 ){
    			var t = config;
    			config = { type:t };
    		} else if(typeof config === "string" && types.indexOf( config) < 0 ){
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioNoise: type should be either "white","pink","brown","perlin" or be a custom function');
    		this._type 		= (typeof config.type !== "undefined") ? config.type : "white";
    		if(typeof this._type==="string" && types.indexOf( this._type ) < 0 ) 
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioNoise: type should be either "white","pink","brown","perlin" or be a custom function');
    		else if( typeof this._type !== "string" && typeof this._type !== "function" )
    			throw new Error('BB.AudioNoise: type should be either "white","pink","brown","perlin" or be a custom function');
    		else if( typeof this._type === "function" ){
    			this._typecallback = config.type;
    			this._type = "custom";
    		* buffer length in seconds
    		* @property duration
    		* @type Number
    		* @default 1
    		this.duration 	= (typeof config.duration !== "undefined") ? config.duration : 1; // seconds
    		* number of channels
    		* @property channels
    		* @type Number
    		* @default 2
    		this.channels 	= (typeof config.channels !== "undefined") ? config.channels : 2; // stereo
    		* the source node
    		* @property node
    		* @type AudioNode
    		this.node = null; 
    		* the buffer object
    		* @property buffer
    		* @type AudioBuffer
    		this.buffer = null;
    		this.isPlaying = false;
    		this._isOn = false;
    		this._durTimeout = null; // time out for makeNoise
     	BB.AudioNoise.prototype = Object.create(BB.AudioBase.prototype);
        BB.AudioNoise.prototype.constructor = BB.AudioNoise;
    	* "white","pink","brown" or "custom"
    	* @property type
    	* @type String
    	* @default "white"
    	Object.defineProperty(BB.AudioNoise.prototype, "type", {
    		get: function() {
    			return this._type;
    		set: function(v) {
    			var types = ["white","pink","brown","perlin"];
    			if(typeof v==="string" && types.indexOf( v ) < 0 ) 
    				throw new Error('BB.AudioNoise: type should be either "white","pink","brown","perlin" or be a custom function');
    			else if( typeof v !== "string" && typeof v !== "function" )
    				throw new Error('BB.AudioNoise: type should be either "white","pink","brown","perlin" or be a custom function');
    			if( typeof v === "string" ){
    				this._type = v;
    				} else {
    			else if( typeof v === "function" ){
    				this._type = "custom";
    				this._typecallback = v;
    				} else {
    			} else {
    				throw new Error('BB.AudioNoise: type should be either "white","pink","brown","perlin" or be a custom function');
    	// ---------------
    	BB.AudioNoise.prototype._initBuffer = function(){
    		var frameCount = this.ctx.sampleRate * this.duration;
    		this.buffer = this.ctx.createBuffer( this.channels, frameCount, this.ctx.sampleRate );
    		// noise maths via:
    		var ch, data, i, white;
    		if( this._type == "white" ){
    			// generate white noise buffer
    			for (ch = 0; ch < this.channels; ch++) {
    				data = this.buffer.getChannelData( ch );
    				for (i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
    					data[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
    		else if ( this._type == "pink" ){
    			// generate pink noise buffer
    			for (ch = 0; ch < this.channels; ch++) {
    				var b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6; 
    				b0 = b1 = b2 = b3 = b4 = b5 = b6 = 0.0;
    				data = this.buffer.getChannelData( ch );
    				for (i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
    					white = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
    					b0 = 0.99886 * b0 + white * 0.0555179;
    					b1 = 0.99332 * b1 + white * 0.0750759;
    					b2 = 0.96900 * b2 + white * 0.1538520;
    					b3 = 0.86650 * b3 + white * 0.3104856;
    					b4 = 0.55000 * b4 + white * 0.5329522;
    					b5 = -0.7616 * b5 - white * 0.0168980;
    					data[i] = b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 + b4 + b5 + b6 + white * 0.5362;
    					data[i] *= 0.11; // (roughly) compensate for gain
    					b6 = white * 0.115926;
    		else if ( this._type == "brown" ){
    			// generate pink brownian ( aka. brown or red ) buffer
    			for (ch = 0; ch < this.channels; ch++) {
    				data = this.buffer.getChannelData( ch );
    				var lastOut = 0.0;
    				for (i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
    					white = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
    					data[i] = (lastOut + (0.02 * white)) / 1.02;
    					lastOut = data[i];
    					data[i] *= 3.5; // (roughly) compensate for gain
    		else if ( this._type == "perlin" ){
    			// generate perlin noise buffer...
    			// ... right now just sounds like short white noise buffer on loop
    			// ... need to make this more interesting?
    			for (ch = 0; ch < this.channels; ch++) {
    				data = this.buffer.getChannelData( ch );
    				for (i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
    					data[i] = BB.MathUtils.noise(i) * 2 - 1;
    		else if( this._type == "custom" ){
    			//  ---- FOR EXMPLE  ----
    			// function(){
    			// 	var frameCount = this.ctx.sampleRate * this.duration;
    			// 	for (var ch = 0; ch < this.channels; ch++) {
    			// 		var data = this.buffer.getChannelData( ch );
    			// 		for (var i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
    			// 			data[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
    			// 		};
    			// 	};
    			// }
    	// ---------------
    	* plays noise for a specified period of time
    	* @method makeNoise
    	* @param {Number} [duration] how long to play the noise (in seconds)
    	* @param {Number} [velocity] how loud (scalar value applied to master volume)
    	* @param {Number} [schedule] when to play it
    	* @example  
    	* <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	*  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;var whitenoise = new BB.AudioNoise({<br>
    	*  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;type: "white",<br>
    	*  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;volume: 0.75<br>
    	*  &nbsp;});<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;// plays for a quarter second, at twice the initial 0.75 volume ( ie. 1.5 ) <br>
    	*  &nbsp;whitenoise.makeNoise( 0.25, 2 ); <br><br>
    	*  &nbsp;// plays for 1 second at the original volume (0.75), will start playing 5 seconds from now<br>
    	*  &nbsp;var now = BB.Audio.context.currentTime; <br>
    	*  &nbsp;whitenoise.makeNoise( 1, 1, now+5 ); 
    	* </code>
    	BB.AudioNoise.prototype.makeNoise = function( duration, velocity, schedule ){
    		var dur = (typeof duration!=="undefined") ? duration : this.duration;
    		var initvol;
    		if(typeof velocity !== "undefined") {
    			initvol = this.volume;
    			this.volume = velocity;
    		this.noiseOn( schedule, true );
    		if( this._durTimeout !== "undefined" ) clearTimeout( this._durTimeout );
    		var self = this;
    		this._durTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
    			self.noiseOff( true );
    			if(typeof velocity !== "undefined") self.volume = initvol;
    		}, dur*1000 );
    	* starts playing the noise
    	* @method noiseOn
    	* @param {Number} [schedule] when to play
    	* @example  
    	* <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	*  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;var whitenoise = new BB.AudioNoise(); // default white noise<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;whitenoise.noiseOn();
    	* </code>
    	BB.AudioNoise.prototype.noiseOn = function( schedule, fromMakeNoise ){
    		if( this.isPlaying === true ) throw new Error('BB.AudioNoise.noiseOn: is already on');
    		if(typeof schedule === "undefined") schedule = 0;
    		this.node = this.ctx.createBufferSource();
    		this.node.buffer = this.buffer;
    		this.node.loop = true;
    		this.node.connect( this.gain );
    		if(typeof fromMakeNoise==="undefined" || fromMakeNoise===false) this._isOn = true;
    		this.isPlaying = true;
    	* stops playing the noise
    	* @method noiseOff
    	* @example  
    	* <code class="code prettyprint">  
    	*  &nbsp;BB.Audio.init();<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;var whitenoise = new BB.AudioNoise(); // default white noise<br>
    	*  <br>
    	*  &nbsp;whitenoise.noiseOn();<br>
    	*  &nbsp;whitenoise.noiseOff();
    	* </code>
    	BB.AudioNoise.prototype.noiseOff = function( fromMakeNoise ){
    		if( this.isPlaying === false ) throw new Error('BB.AudioNoise.noiseOn: is already off');
    		this.isPlaying = false;
    		if(typeof fromMakeNoise==="undefined" || fromMakeNoise===false) this._isOn = false;
    	return BB.AudioNoise;