File: src/BB.MathUtils.js

     * A static utilitites class for all things math.
     * @module BB.MathUtils
     * @class BB.MathUtils
     * @static
    define(['./BB', './BB.Vector2'], 
    function(  BB,        Vector2){
        'use strict';
        BB.Vector2 = Vector2;
        BB.MathUtils = function() {};
         * Scales value using min and max. This is the inverse of BB.MathUtils.lerp(...).
         * @method norm
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} value The value to be scaled.
         * @param  {Number} min
         * @param  {Number} max
         * @return {Number}       Returns the scaled value.
        BB.MathUtils.norm = function(value, min, max) {
            if (typeof value !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.norm: value is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof min !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.norm: min is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof max !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.norm: max is not a number type");
            return (value - min) / (max - min);
         * Linear interpolate norm from min and max. This is the inverse of BB.MathUtils.norm(...).
         * @method lerp
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} value
         * @param  {Number} min
         * @param  {Number} max
         * @return {Number}       Returns the lerped norm.
        BB.MathUtils.lerp = function(norm, min, max) {
            if (typeof norm !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.lerp: norm is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof min !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.lerp: min is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof max !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.lerp: max is not a number type");
            return (max - min) * norm + min;
         * Constrains value using min and max as the upper and lower bounds.
         * @method clamp
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} value The value to be clamped.
         * @param  {Number} min   The lower limit to clamp value by.
         * @param  {Number} max   The upper limit to clamp value by.
         * @return {Number}       The clamped value.
        BB.MathUtils.clamp = function(value, min, max) {
            if (typeof value !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.clamp: norm is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof min !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.clamp: min is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof max !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.clamp: max is not a number type");
            return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value));
         * Maps (scales) value between sourceMin and sourceMax to destMin and destMax.
         * @method map
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} value The value to be mapped.
         * @param  {Number} sourceMin 
         * @param  {Number} sourceMax
         * @param  {Number} destMin 
         * @param  {Number} destMax
         * @return {Number} Returns the mapped value.
         */ = function(value, sourceMin, sourceMax, destMin, destMax) {
            if (typeof value !== "number") {
                throw new Error(" value is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof sourceMin !== "number") {
                throw new Error(" sourceMin is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof sourceMax !== "number") {
                throw new Error(" sourceMax is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof destMin !== "number") {
                throw new Error(" destMin is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof destMax !== "number") {
                throw new Error(" destMax is not a number type");
            return this.lerp(this.norm(value, sourceMin, sourceMax), destMin, destMax);
         * Get the distance between two points.
         * @method  dist
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} p1x The x value of the first point.
         * @param  {Number} p1y The y value of the first point.
         * @param  {Number} p2x The x value of the second point.
         * @param  {Number} p2y The y value of the second point.
         * @return {Number} Returns the distance between (p1x, p1y) and (p2x, p2y).
        BB.MathUtils.dist = function(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y){
            if (typeof p1x !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.dist: p1x is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof p1y !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.dist: p1y is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof p2x !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.dist: p2x is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof p2y !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.dist: p2y is not a number type");
            return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2x - p1x, 2) + Math.pow(p2y - p1y, 2));
         * Get the angle between two points in radians. For degrees process this
         * return value through BB.MathUtils.radToDegree(...).
         * @method angleBtwn
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} p1x The x value of the first point.
         * @param  {Number} p1y The y value of the first point.
         * @param  {Number} p2x The x value of the second point.
         * @param  {Number} p2y The y value of the second point.
         * @return {Number} Returns the angle between (p1x, p1y) and (p2x, p2y) in
         * radians.
        BB.MathUtils.angleBtw = function(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y){
            if (typeof p1x !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.angleBtwn: p1x is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof p1y !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.angleBtwn: p1y is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof p2x !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.angleBtwn: p2x is not a number type");
            } else if (typeof p2y !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.angleBtwn: p2y is not a number type");
            return Math.atan2( p2x - p1x, p2y - p1y );
         * Translate radians into degrees.
         * @method  radToDeg
         * @static
         * @param  {[type]} radians
         * @return {[type]}         Returns radians in degrees.
        BB.MathUtils.radToDeg = function(radians) {
            if (typeof radians !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.radToDegree: radians is not a number type");
            return radians * (180.0 / Math.PI);
         * Translate degrees into radians.
         * @method  degToRad
         * @static
         * @param  {[type]} degrees
         * @return {[type]}         Returns degrees in radians.
        BB.MathUtils.degToRad = function(degrees) {
            if (typeof degrees !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.degToRad: degrees is not a number type");
            return degrees * (Math.PI / 180.0);
         * Translate from polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates.
         * @method polarToCartesian
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} radius  The straight line distance from the origin.
         * @param  {Number} degrees The angle in degrees measured clockwise from the
         * positive x axis.
         * @return {Array}         An array of length two where the first element is
         * the x value and the second element is the y value.
        BB.MathUtils.polarToCartesian = function(radius, degrees) {
            if (typeof radius !== "number" || typeof degrees !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.polarToCartesian: invalid arguments, function expects two Number type parameters.");
            return [ radius * Math.cos(degrees), radius * Math.sin(degrees) ];
         * Translate from cartesian to polar coordinates.
         * @method cartesianToPolar
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} x The x coordinate.
         * @param  {Number} y The y coordinate.
         * @return {Array}  An array of length two where the first element is the
         * polar radius and the second element is the polar angle in degrees
         * measured clockwise from the positive x axis.
        BB.MathUtils.cartesianToPolar = function(x, y) {
            if (typeof x !== "number" || typeof y !== "number") {
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.cartesianToPolar: invalid arguments, function expects two Number type parameters.");
            return [ Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y)), Math.atan(y / x) ];
         * return a random int between a min and a max
         * @method randomInt
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} min minimum value ( default to 0 if only one argument is passed )
         * @param  {Number} max maximum value
         * @return {Number}  random integer
        BB.MathUtils.randomInt = function( min, max) {
            if( arguments.length === 0 ){
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.cartesianToPolar: requires at least one argument");
            else if( arguments.length === 1 ){
                return Math.floor(0 + Math.random() * (min - 0 + 1));
            else {
                return Math.floor(min + Math.random() * (max - min + 1));
         * return a random float between a min and a max
         * @method randomFloat
         * @static
         * @param  {Number} min minimum value ( default to 0 if only one argument is passed )
         * @param  {Number} max maximum value
         * @return {Number}  random float
        BB.MathUtils.randomFloat = function( min, max ) {
            if( arguments.length === 0 ){
                throw new Error("BB.MathUtils.cartesianToPolar: requires at least one argument");
            else if( arguments.length === 1 ){
                return 0 + Math.random() * (min - 0);
            else {
                return min + Math.random() * (max - min);
        // P5.js perlin noise stuff
        var perlin = null;
        var PERLIN_YWRAPB = 4;
        var PERLIN_ZWRAPB = 8;
        var PERLIN_SIZE = 4095;
        var perlin_octaves = 4; // default to medium smooth
        var perlin_amp_falloff = 0.5; // 50% reduction/octave
        function scaled_cosine(i) {
          return 0.5*(1.0-Math.cos(i*Math.PI));
         * Returns the Perlin noise value at specified coordinates. Perlin noise is
         * a random sequence generator producing a more natural ordered, harmonic
         * succession of numbers compared to the standard <b>random()</b> function.
         * This function is taken almost verbatim from P5.js.
         * @method noise
         * @param  {Number} x   x-coordinate in noise space
         * @param  {Number} y   y-coordinate in noise space
         * @param  {Number} z   z-coordinate in noise space
         * @return {Number}     Perlin noise value (between 0 and 1) at specified
         * coordinates
        BB.MathUtils.noise = function(x, y, z) {
            y = y || 0;
            z = z || 0;
            if (perlin === null) {
                perlin = new Array(PERLIN_SIZE + 1);
                for (var i = 0; i < PERLIN_SIZE + 1; i++) {
                    perlin[i] = Math.random();
            if (x<0) { x=-x; }
            if (y<0) { y=-y; }
            if (z<0) { z=-z; }
            var xi=Math.floor(x), yi=Math.floor(y), zi=Math.floor(z);
            var xf = x - xi;
            var yf = y - yi;
            var zf = z - zi;
            var rxf, ryf;
            var r=0;
            var ampl=0.5;
            var n1,n2,n3;
            for (var o=0; o<perlin_octaves; o++) {
                var of=xi+(yi<<PERLIN_YWRAPB)+(zi<<PERLIN_ZWRAPB);
                rxf = scaled_cosine(xf);
                ryf = scaled_cosine(yf);
                n1  = perlin[of&PERLIN_SIZE];
                n1 += rxf*(perlin[(of+1)&PERLIN_SIZE]-n1);
                n2  = perlin[(of+PERLIN_YWRAP)&PERLIN_SIZE];
                n2 += rxf*(perlin[(of+PERLIN_YWRAP+1)&PERLIN_SIZE]-n2);
                n1 += ryf*(n2-n1);
                of += PERLIN_ZWRAP;
                n2  = perlin[of&PERLIN_SIZE];
                n2 += rxf*(perlin[(of+1)&PERLIN_SIZE]-n2);
                n3  = perlin[(of+PERLIN_YWRAP)&PERLIN_SIZE];
                n3 += rxf*(perlin[(of+PERLIN_YWRAP+1)&PERLIN_SIZE]-n3);
                n2 += ryf*(n3-n2);
                n1 += scaled_cosine(zf)*(n2-n1);
                r += n1*ampl;
                ampl *= perlin_amp_falloff;
                if (xf>=1.0) { xi++; xf--; }
                if (yf>=1.0) { yi++; yf--; }
                if (zf>=1.0) { zi++; zf--; }
          return r;
        return BB.MathUtils;